Dear Travel Channel: Please Replace Andrew Zimmern With … Anyone Else

I want to like The Travel Channel‘s Andrew Zimmern; I do. He has all the right avuncular qualities about him: he’s pudgy, he’s bald, he’s quirky. He’s got very pinchable cheeks. And he’s entertaining in a “Hey, look at my crazy uncle!” kind of way. Unfortunately that only takes one so far, especially in the land of TV hosts.

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Andrew Zimmern Bizarre Foods

For the life of me, I cannot make it through an hour of his Bizarre Foods. And I think I’ve been able to isolate why the show irritates me so much.

First off, it’s a shameless rip on No Reservations. TTC recognized the winning formula in Bourdain’s show and they’re trying to capitalize on its test tube twin. I think we can all agree on that. But there’s always room for more travel and culinary adventure shows in my book, so no harm/no foul there.

The difference is that Anthony Bourdain is self-deprecating and doesn’t pad his shows with a lot of hoopla about what he’s eating or how exotic it is. He just does it, quips why he likes or dislikes it, and moves on. It’s easy to empathize with that kind of traveling – take everything in stride and just appreciate it for what it is.

Zimmern, on the other hand, constantly feels the need to over dramatize everything he does. “Wow, I’m really eating scorpions. Isn’t that soooo weird?!? Look at me! Whoopadeedoo!” (Actually, he’s probably never said “Whoopadeedoo!” but you get the point.)

Yes, Andrew, I get it: I know you’re eating exotic foods. That’s why I tuned in in the first place. You don’t need to waste valuable air time by needlessly reiterating how crazy and adventurous you are.

Last, and definitely not least, is the lip smacking. Seriously. I think I may have a certifiable condition whereby the sound of someone smacking their lips and tongue while they eat makes me want to punch a puppy. I don’t know what it is, but that sound strikes a nerve so deep in my body that I often need to pull myself back from the brink of violence every time I hear it. (This is going to be a real problem when I travel to Asia, I know. But we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.)

Last night’s episode was the straw that broke the culinary camel’s back. The smacking reached epic proportions. It was like a symphony of gluttony, as though the show’s editors put it together just for me. I’m not even sure where the show was located. I was too busy trying to scratch the deafening cacophony of slurping and smacking from my auditory canal with a kabob skewer.

At one point, I actually screamed at the television: “Close your F**KING mouth!”

In light of this, I’d like to pose this brief, open letter to The Travel Channel:

Dear Travel Channel,

Please replace Andrew Zimmern with … anyone else. ANYONE.

Howie Mandel. Even Richard Simmons. Or … no … that Billie Mays guy from the OxyClean infomercials. I’d rather listen to his strangely intoxicating sales pitches while he eats cobra hearts in Thailand, et. al.

If my above recommendation is not feasible due to contractual obligations, then I would like to formally recommend that you mute all future episodes of Bizarre Foods and provide smack-free closed captioning of the entire script.

Sincerely Yours in Food & Travel,
Mike in Rhode Island
On Behalf of the Viewing Public

Founding Editor
    1. Well, Mike and Leandra, and all you folks out there who have acute misophonia–if you don’t like Andrew Zimmern’s “lip-smacking” as you call it, you should probably NOT go east Asia, as lip-smacking there is a cultural norm. In fact, we Westerners have some table habits that the Chinese find equally appalling. Perhaps you guys need to broaden your horizons and stop viewing the world through your narrow cultural perspective. Such narrowmindedness is what is really appalling. Here is a link for you, as you embark on your personal quest for a clue.

    2. So, because a group of us do not like lip smacking, we need to get a clue? What a self-righteous dolt you are.

    3. You are all such a bunch of trolls. Are you all that good and above everyone else where you could sit there in your little troll chairs and talk about another human being That way? Don’t let your jealousy fog what’s right or wrong!! Fact let me give you a taste of your own medicine, the author of this article and 99% of these responses look like they come from a whole group of morins!! You all are the reason and problem with this planet nowadays

    4. I completely empathize with the author. As a college freshman I had to catch a a ride back to college with a couple guys from Malaysia, not before they made a not previously discussed stop at their apartment to eat first. As they set around a slightly higher than the floor table they attacked what I think were chicken wings, hairs sprouting from the batter smacking their lips. I was appalled on every level watching, listening to these savages attack greasy, disgusting food like famished cavemen. Your pompous “expand your horizons” diatribe smacks of elitism and condescension. Some cultures, yours, are just better than others. Get over it.

    5. Your attitude is ridiculous. You enable this sort of uncouth, primitive behavior with your condescension instead of trying to help correct it.Lip smacking is appalling table manners and would outrage most civilized diners. Some cultures like the authors are farther along and you need to get over it. They just are.

    1. ok, I just wanted to say first off, the way I found your website was by engine searching to see if I was the only crazy human that literally wants to like Bizarre Foods but can’t for the simple fact that his smacking makes me so violent that I want to fruit ninja his face with a dull butter knife, or anything within my reach at the time. I feel a little more validated now, so thank you kindly. also, I wanted to know why I find someone smacking sooooo repulsive, and why the hell it makes me want to be someone’s worst nightmare to the point I put in ear buds or leave the room and cuss them out on my way out, that I googled it………we have misophonia! lol…..look it up. It makes you hate the sound of smacking…therefore Bizarre Foods! thanks again, ……and you’re welcome :)

    2. Could not agree more about the lip-smacking and other conspicuous eating sounds (you can hear his teeth clacking). We get it: you’re eating, we have the visual.

  1. The lip-smacking is egregious; for the life of me, and especially in light of the fact that everyone hates it, I cannot fathom why they don’t edit it out.

  2. I’d like to see the show cancelled altogether. If you log on to Utube and type in animal cruelty you will be able to see videos by gaaradammit that show how asian countries torture dogs for hours because they think the meat tastes better the more the dog suffers before it finally dies. Now the travel channel is catering to this horrible cruelty and American tourists are eating dog because it is “cool”. Bears also are butchered alive.I hope A.Z. chokes on his next meal.I dare you to watch the videos, they will horrify you. Louise

  3. I like the show. I’ve traveled a bit and like to try some “different” foods myself. I’ve never met Andrew Z. But he lives but 45 minutes from me or so. I like the show, think Andrew is funny and a good host. I’ve never really noticed the lip smacking, but I’m sure to now. I’d love to have a job like that. What can I say? We have different opinions. I’m flexible and am not bothered by such details as you. To be pushed to violent tendencies over lip smacking? Do you beat your kid for spilling milk too? Ease up a bit. It’s just all fun. Sorry for that last comment, just making a point.

    1. I like bizarre foods. I like Andrew. I’m not a fan of Anthony B. I don’t think he’s a nice person. I think the way Andrew treats the people that cook for him is nice. He seems loving. The only thing I would like the TTC to do is show more travel shows. It use too. But people have an obsession with food!

    2. He doesn’t “treat the people who cook for him well”, he panders to them. When it’s an ethnic person from an indigent area he goes so overboard as if he’s trying to elevate them to some morally superior status. It’s patronizing and a form of condescension.

  4. Marcus, I like the content of the show, just not the character (read: host). Although, since the content is a direct rip on Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations, that’s no surprise.

    The bit about violent tendencies is in jest (sort of). Fortunately, I’ve been wise enough not to pop out any mini-me’s, so I stand no risk of beating any kids. Not my own anyway.

  5. The lip smacking was so bad on tonight’s “New York” episode that I had to do a google search for “Andrew Zimmern smacking lips”, and found this posting. I like the show, but damn – the lip smacking has to stop. I seriously think the editors amplify the sound to let us know that Andrew is indeed eating something odd.

    1. I love love love the show.
      HARE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE the sound he makes when he chews!!!!! Ahhhh!!! Take microphone away when he eats. I want to punch punch.
      Madrid was bad. Him eating that pig was horrendous. I think the microphone was extra amplified. Arrrgghh so annoying but love the show. I’m torn

  6. LOL, Chad! That’s why I’m here. Perhaps we should start a photo gallery of Zimmern stuffing his face? I can even find some “smacking” sounds to loop in the background.

    1. I am so happy I found your article, I thought I might be the only one. His lip smacking actually infuriates me it is so gross and rude I will never understand how he doesn’t hear it himself and correct it. I love the idea of the show but he absolutely ruins it. I have to stop myself from yelling at the t.v. as well when it gets too bad because I feel exactly the same way as you do when I hear someone eating like that it literally makes me want to punch an entire litter of puppies !! You would think that the travel channel could afford a host with basic manners at least. Thank you for this article I’m glad I’m not alone on this one !

    2. I was looking for anyone who dislikes his lip smacking as much as me and I found it. But there’s also the idiots who feel the need to defend it. Ugh. Is there a place we can go to be by ourselves without their opinions??

  7. That does it. I’m going to become a cohost of the show. As Andrew’s sidekick it’ll be my responsibility to comment on his lipsmacking. Hmmm wonder if he’d like that? Doubtful. Look for me.

  8. He is funny, Carla.

    But not in the, “I’m laughing with him because he tells great jokes” kind of funny.

    It’s rather the “he’s a goober and a bit of a crazy Uncle kind of guy and I’m laughing at him” kind of funny.

  9. Ah come on, give him a brake,,All these guys are great,,,& interesting chefs too. Pay me that well & I’ll travel abroad & eat strange foods too,Thats what I look forward to watch while I work at my job taking care of a woman with dementia,,,so bug off & laugh it up.(Or should I say lap) thnx

  10. Andrew Zimmern is great.. I love his show.. I think he’s the perfect man for the job….
    he makes the show so much more entertaining… i’ve given boudain a chance, but i can’t really get myself to like it as much as Zimmern’s show…

    Of all the shows i record on my tivo, Zimmern’s show is the only one i watch regularly….

    1. I love Andrew Zimmerman too! Who cares if he lip smacks, puhlease! I’m sure so many other people on TV have way worse quirks! Zimmerman is the reason I watch the show:). I tried watching the Bordain guy too, but nah. He’s kind of boring and yeah he does seem not to be very pleasant. I think he should be replaced:). Love u Andrew Zimmerman, u are awesome! !! If he ever gets replaced , I’d never watch the show again. So lay off u haters!!!

  11. We love Andrew Zimmern. We are not even a bit bothered of that lip smacking thingie. If his show is a rip off of No Reservations then all shows like On the Road and Bobby Chin’s show are also a rip off. Watching his shows we learn a lot about the culture of other countries which are hidden, not the passe kind of culture already dissected by a lot of travel shows. And please, enough of Bourdain. What’s with all the suave traveler who only travels and feels cool about it. Go to Bourdain’s site and he’ll ask you to buy his books instead.

  12. To louisebakalik: I am asian and yes in my country there are groups of indigenous people who eat dogs and kill pigs in an unusal kind of way. Like they beat it until the blood clots and cook it. What’s up with that? It’s their culture, sometimes even part of their rituals. If tourists eat dogs or try that stuff, don’t blame shows like Zimmerns. Puhleaassse!

  13. Ugh, I can’t _stand_ Andrew Zimmern!! Just his goofy act makes me want to slap him. Have any of you seen the episode where he invites Bourdain to New York and he gravels at his feet, “oh Anthony, you’re so amazing! I wanted to be just like you since the moment I saw you! Hey! Wouldn’t this be crazy of me? I could suck your cock, that’s crazy food, right?” He’s pathetic!

    1. Just saw a program with Andrew Zimmerman killing young sharks
      and stacking on a boat for bait he is a dirt bag who thinks he is hot
      sh2t but he is a cold turd !!!!!!

  14. yea. I have seen that. FYI, they have been friends long before they had their respective shows. So, we eat cow’s balls here in my country. And I respect you to say that’s crazy food. Anyway, to each his own.

  15. Este Andrew Zimmern é o maximo gostaria que viésse aqui no Brasil e eu ia te levar para comer coisas super exóticas!!!

  16. Zimmerman’s show is great, mixing bizarre food,culture, and unusual destinations. But for the life of me I cant understand if you dont like it, why do you watch it.

    Change channels. Not hard to figure out. Rest assured, he does not need you.

  17. I would like to say that I LOVE the show! Andrew rocks and is by far way more exciting to watch than that boring snore anthony bordain. I hope that in the future the Travel Channel will feature more of this show. It shows everyone how we should be more culturally open to different foods which we have never tried, and to be diverse in the the way we think and live.

  18. Andrew is fantastic.Never boring.

    For Mabuhay,beating of dogs e.t.c.,

    We love Andrew!!
    Shame on Asia ,Barbarians!!!

    Leave Andrew al

  19. For your info, we love Andrew. I see no point in arguing over something based on a cultural standpoint. I don’t belong to that indigenous tribe in my country but they have my respect. That is already a part of their customs and ritual long before man crossed the landbridges. They just do not beat the dogs just for the heck of it, please read my post.And i am proud to tell you that I am an owner of 4 lovely dogs. I am just sad that up to know, there are still people like you who label other people, calling them as barbarians without learning more about their culture. But I still do respect your opinion even if it’s saddening. Peace!

  20. I am of the opposite opinion. Andrew’s show offers something the others do not. It’s unique and definitely different from Anthony Bourdain’s show, and I like that show too. If the host is all that Mike has an objection to, Mike should look deeper than skin deep. I do agree that the lip smacking is a bit much, but in some countries that is very acceptable and even desirable. Andrew seems to fit in quite well. Andrew seems more worldly than Mike. Would Mike have the guts to try some of the foods Andrew eats? I challenge Mike to go on the show with Andrew, and try some of the foods on camera with him. Hey Mike, walk a mile in Andrew’s shoes before you bash someone…now that would be an interesting show.

  21. hey mabuhay…respecting your opinion and culture..I must say…we travel to learn about the culture of that land where ever it is but killing animals that way is not a culture..maybe back in the day there were no better ways to do it..but now…i am sure there are ways to keep traditon and reduce the animal suffering…after all it is 2008….
    Now about andrew…if there are 100 comments here 95 says he is gross..he always has food dripping out of his mouth and he chews like it is his last maggot…I 150% agree with Mike R. about the sound of someone smaking their lip while chewing…it is just bad manners…he is simply irritating…i must say, his show is great to go in depth of each country and show us what they really eat..but I don’t think is much about the culture as much as about him showing off his ability to eat unusual food for our taste. as we all have noticed it’s always about him asking us on camera..”what do you think..i have had weired food before million times but this one..I don’t know!!!!”
    Thats what I think and I think anthony’s show is far more realistic to the normal people’s eye…a true adventure in an unknown land…he may like it he may not…he kinda lives the conclusion up to you…
    With hope for a better life for all living things in every part of the world..tradition or not…good luck to you all

  22. thanks for respecting my opinion on this. I do respect each and everyone’s opinion of Andrew Zimmern. If most people in this page find him gross or irritating, it’s ok. That doesn’t change my opinion of him.

    If for you, killing animals is not a culture and so archaic, I beg to disagree.As what I’ve said, they don’t do it just for the heck of it. A thousand miles away from where you are now, there are still indigenous people out there. It’s not because it is 2008, they should conform to everything. I do not wish you to embrace this. You are entitled to your own opinion as well as these indigenous people. And culture as defined means it its the integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depends upon the capacity for learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generations. It is their culture.

    I can see now clearly the plight of these indigenous people.

  23. Andrew gobbles worms and various other creatures that are considered inedible by the majority of people.
    Why oh why does he spit out the flesh of the durian fruit?, probably the most delicious fruit that grows anywhere in the world.
    He should get another job!

  24. I cannot stand this guy! He is truly an egomanic. I find him very offensive and just tries to get the shock effect. His show is something I will never watch again, and hopefully neither will any of my friends. Good God he eats Puffins! I truly find him respulsive.

  25. You look too cool, hip…hip for Andrew. He is just a regular guy. The program is very informative. He gets right into homes and kitchens. His show on Delhi was great.

    You see as much of the culture as you do with the hipper-than-thou Tony Bourdain whose show is often as much about him as the country and food he is visiting.

    My contention is the really hip like Andrew better than Tony.

  26. I completely agree with you. I don’t watch the show because he is disgusting, rude and irritating.

    I hate when he calls food “weird” or “funky” frickin rude!

    1. Just like your comment is irritating and frickin rude? Why don’t you stop hating on the man, he’s a wonderful host! You can tell hes a lovely sweet man.I’m watching him right now;). Bye hater!

    2. He’s a scum bag. A reprobate for the ages. I’ve never seen a more vile, utterly repulsive individual in memory. The most amazing fact about him (maybe humanity) is that he’s apparently married…to a female. The second most amazing is at some point this woman apparently found him attractive. No doubt in my mind he fell under lucky star, if hadn’t got on that show he would be in his mother’s basement looking at pornography on a laptop. An abhorrent specimen of humanity.

  27. All you idiots need to get a [email protected]#$in job. If all you have to do is hate on another man, you need to see a shrink. Andrew’s show is as much like Anthony’s as Sandra Lee’s is like Giada DeLaurenta’s. Andrew doesn’t drink and smoke the whole entire show either. I like Tony and Andrew and have met them both in New York. You flunky’s hate him because you wish you could get paid for doing something as cool as these guys do. Now get in your tan minivan and go to your job at Best Buy.

  28. hey kevin ..only idiot without a job is you, to take time and to reply to the coments of this so called “[email protected]#$in idiots”…
    Only an ignorant looser can make fun of people with a decent job…or maybe since you have nothing better to do, you make fun of the people with tan minivan and their jobs at best buy…atleast they have a job….you should get one to keep you busy….

  29. Hey Kevin….I hate to tell you this but Andrew’s show is to Anthony’s show as comic
    books are to Faulkner.

  30. I second Charlie Sommer’s assessment.

    Baldy eats worms and almost convincingly fakes his ‘love’ for it, then cannot stomach a Durian sample. That, my friends separates a true lover of food from the pricks.

    He also has a nauseatingly forced delivery and a vocabulary limited to 5 juvenile phrases recycled over and over and over again, show after show after show to describe all of the foods he shoves in his gullet:

    1) Wow!
    2) That’s really funky.
    3) I love worms.
    4) I like to suck the inside of [some food..or Bourdain (subconsciously)]
    5) [loud lipsmack]

  31. I am from the Philippines. We grow Durian. But I still cannot stomach a Durian sample too.

    Zimmern’s show is way, way different from Bourdain’s. And there’s no need to compare the two. They don’t deal with the same topic.

    We watch their shows but my family likes Zimmern more. My grandfather once blurted out while watching Bourdain’ show, “Yeah, it’s always about him, Bourdain always says, me, me, me, I, I, I. That man’s show is ahbout him finding his soul. “

  32. OMG….The smacking has got to GO….. I was so annoyed just a few minutes ago that I resorted to coming on line to see if others had a problem with it as well. Well this was my first stop. I seriously thought it was me until my 7 year old asked why he smacked so much. I can no longer tolerate the smacking. But otherwise he does a great job, he really does. It’s just the talking and smacking at the same time. And I also would suggest him getting braces, since he it on television now.


  33. Personally, I enjoy both Bourdain and Zimmern’s shows. I don’t find either one like the other, outside of traveling from country to country, but then again it IS on the Travel Channel. I feel the Bourdian has more of a Hunter S. Thompson feel with the experiencing all that life has to offer all the while being cynical about it. Zimmern on the other hand, I feel has more of a common-man element. Sure, a common-man who happens to enjoy a bit of the bizzare, but then aren’t we all a little bizzare..?

  34. I love Andrew Zimmern’s, show and I hope it doesn’t go off for a long time. Anthony Bourdain is just as entertaining to me as well. I DVR/Tivo their shows and watch regularly. They are both entertaining. I would love to travel just like them, but I have young children. I moved from NYC to Buffalo NY. The food in Buff. NY is boring. Mostly pizza, wings. subs/heros and beer. Some of the foods on Andrew’s show is what I’ve seen in NYC, not that I’ve tried a lot of them. However, for Bourdain & Zimmern being from NYC is where they get the nerve to eat the foods from those countries, due to NYC having everyone on the planet living there. Living in Buff. NY and watching Zimmern & Bourdain makes me always want to move back to NYC or travel the world for the ethnic diversity in food. Anyway Zimmern keep doing what you’re doing by bringing something different to the table. For all of you who are so repulsed by Zimmern’s show, why do you tune in. Is it that you like to be repulsed and disgusted by him?

  35. I don’t tune in to Zimmern’s show because I saw a display of cruelty to animals that has burned my eyes out. Shame on the Travel Channel. Shame on people who eat animals alive. If anyone deserves to be sliced and consumed while his heart is still beating, it should be Andrew Zimmern. And I hope they give him a taste while they feasting on his throbbing guts.

  36. Dear Cie Kay,

    Your comment is something of a dichotomy, How can you be so against cruelty to an animal but recommend
    it so fervently for one of your fellow
    human beings?

    Perhaps a less Draconian punishment would be more appropriate for poor Andrew. I don’t really like his show but I hardly think he should suffer death for it.
    Perhaps making him eat a durian, which he hates, would suffice.

  37. Dear Charlie Sommers,

    Human beings have free will. Animals do NOT. Man can choose to do one of the following things:

    1. Torture and eat a miserable creature whose heart is still beating, or

    2. Leave it in its native habitat to enjoy life.

    Animals are completely at our mercy. Do you not see that???

    Let “poor Andrew” eat shit. That’s all he deserves.

  38. Well, we did not choose to be on top of the food chain. LOL!

    Come on, this is going to be an endless debate. Just leave things at that Cie Kay. I respect your decision to avoid eating meat. I think your vegan. And go ahead, practice that. This is so preposterous.

  39. Dear Cie Kay,

    I can approve your message now that you have lowered Andrew’s punishment from death to merely eating shit, although he will probably roll his eyes and smack his lips.

  40. Very good, Charlie! Thanks.

    I did not come here to enter into a debate on this subject, Jade, dear. I made ONE COMMENT. You and Charlie chose to respond. And Charlie has been perfectly cordial in his replies.

    Jade, your responsibility as “the top of the food chain” is to prevent the abuse of those living below. That is the only point I wanted to make. Why is that “preposterous”? Have you ever considered the feelings of an animal who is being slaughtered for your dinner plate? Go visit an abattoir before you insult me again.

    Finally, Jade, you have NO right to tell me where I should “leave” anything. I’ll respond to any and all comments directed to me. Deal with it. It only stops where you let it stop.

  41. Cie Kay,

    We have only one responsibility as a member ‘at the top of the food chain’ and that is to consume those lower than us. Hence the term “FOOD chain”.

    Btw, the idea of free will is bogus. It’s just another way for people to attmept to rationalize why we’re better than animals, when in fact we’re not. To this day, whether you realize it or not, we’re still controlled by instinctual behavior in all aspects of our lives.

  42. Yes, I definitely agree with you Doc Feral. That is very rational.

    Well then about feelings, I guess those bigger should be taught not to eat those smaller fish, for we all have feelings.

  43. Yes, I definitely agree with you Doc Feral. That is very rational.

    Well then about feelings, I guess those bigger fish should be taught not to eat those smaller fish, for we all have feelings.

  44. Doc Feral, you are in severe denial. Have you ever had a conversation with an animal? Ever walked up to a chicken and said, “Hi there! How would you like to be strung up by your feet and electrocuted, then have your feathers boiled off whether or not you’re dead or still alive, so I can then roast your carcass and eat it for dinner?”

    No, I didn’t think so, unless you have a close, personal relationship with a psychiatrist who encourages your delusions.

    Do you honestly think that a chicken, or any other creature, can decide on its own whether or not to let us kill them? Free will simply means that we have a choice to act morally. (Human beings are not carnivores, by the way. Just thought you should know that.) People aren’t born with the instinct to run out and gorge themselves at KFC or McDonald’s.

    Jade: Yes, even fish have feelings, but your logic is so far off-base that it staggers the mind. The issue I brought up originally is not about the habits of animals, but about our treatment of them.

    Bottom line: human beings are NOT superior to animals. In most ways, in fact, THEY are superior to us.

  45. Can’t say I am Dr. Dolittle. I have never claimed to talk to animals. Besides why would you even want to tell an animal you were going to kill it then eat it.. It wouldn’t understand what you were saying.

    Now, how am I in denial..? If you mean in denial of where my food comes from..? Not in the least. My dad and his wife owned a hobby farm for a number of years where they had 20+ head of cattle. From time to time they would take one to slaughter, so I have been to a country slaugherhouse. I have consumed the meat from an animal I have seen slaughtered and enjoyed it.
    I have always thought you should see where your food comes from. If you can’t stomach that (pun intended) don’t eat it. Obviously you can’t, so you don’t. That’s fine.

    You say fish have feelings. I’m getting the feeling you’ve had a conversation or two with an animal. I knew a guy once who had a conversation with an ink pen, but then he was under the influence of peyote.

    As for an animal letting us kill them..I didn’t know we had to ask their permission. “Oh, Mr. Lobster. Do you mind if I drop you in hot water, watch you turn bright red.. crack your shell then take you succulent sweet flesh and dip in in lemon butter and then eat it..? No? Oh, well, it’ll happen whether you like it or not..” Which reminds me, one of the best SNL bits was from the 80’s when Eddie Murphy had you call in to boil or not boil Larry the Lobster..

    As for morality, how does that come into play in relation to eating another animal anyway?
    I can see maybe in relation to eating another person, but then there are certain circumstances where that would be an acceptable means of survival – such as surviving a plane crash in the Andes Mts. and only having a chocolate bar and a bottle of wine for 8 people to live on for the next 4 weeks. I could also see morality coming into play when it comes someone like Micheal Vick and his dog fighting. I don’t see it coming into play at all in relation to preparing animals for human consumption.

    You are correct human beings aren’t canivores, I’ll agree with you on that. We’re omnivores. Anyone who knows anything about animals knows you can tell what type of food, on a broad sense, an animal would eat just by looking at their teeth. (It won’t tell you if they ate berries and nuts over root vegatables, but it would tell you if they consumed flora and/or fauna.) Our teeth have elements of both carnivores and herbivores.

    In relation to instinct, you’re right no one as the instinct to go to KFC or McDonald’s specifically, but we do have an instinctual need to forage for food. In our society, such as it is, that would cover going to the local co-op, mega-mart, KFC or McDonald’s. In primitive cultures, where they don’t have Mickey D’s, that means they find what roots, fruits and insects (yes, even primitive peoples eat animal protien) they can find to subsist on.

    As for your bottom line.. Do you normally take someone else’s statement, twist it and claim it as your own..? Or am I a special case..?

  46. Man, Fuck all you guys that talk shit about andrew!! He is bizzare foods, he’s the only reason why i watch his show. anthony bourdain is a boring mofo and i preffer to watch bizzare foods anytime before the other show. i cant even stay awake on anthony bourdain. Andrew Zimmern 4 LIFE!

  47. Dear IDMI,

    From your writing style and poor use of
    English I can plainly see that you do not possess the intellectual capacity to appreciate Anthony Bourdain. As I stated before some people like Shakespeare while others think a Spiderman Comic is great literature.

  48. Close your mouth Andrew zimmern!!!!for all the fans of Andrew get some class and follow someone who actually has some proper etiquette!!!

  49. Why does EVERY topic have to illicit anger and violence? We were talking about Andrew’s awful table manners weren’t we? For what its worth, his lip smackin and head waggin after every bite is so disgusting and predictable but I watch to see how rude to his hosts and how gross he can be. Is that weird?

  50. You couldn’t be more wrong. i have the luxery of it’s obvious success to confirm my quote, but rest assure i would have said the same thing after the 1st show. And i love the sound of lip smacking. If it’s so much like No Reservations your problem is easily solved-don’t watch it. I am enjoying both more then any other shows available

  51. Dear Jeff,

    I have edited your comment for spelling and punctuation and in one place for content. I want you to stay after school and write 100 times on the chalkboard,
    “I will not smack my lips.”

    Author: Jeff from RI
    You couldn’t be more wrong. I have the luxury of it’s obvious success to confirm my quote, but rest assured I would have said the same thing after the 1st show. I love the sound of lip smacking. If it’s so much like “No Reservations” your problem is easily solved, don’t watch it. I am enjoying both more then any other shows available.

  52. Dear Concerned English Teacher,

    If you are going to correct the grammar of others, you may wish to revisit it’s/its. “I have the luxury of ITS obvious success” would be correct as it is being used in the possessive form. Additionally, “I am enjoying them more THAN any other…” slipped by you.

  53. Doc Feral:

    You’re wasting your time writing long-winded replies. I don’t read them.

    I’ll simply conclude our “discussion” by saying that I’m right, and you’re wrong. And if you live to be 150, you’ll never know more than I do.

    So long, asshole. Hope you enjoy roasting in hell with A.Z.

  54. CK,

    It took you two weeks to call me an asshole and tell me to burn in hell..? Wow, a little slow there. Seems you’re as clueless as Palin is when it comes to right and wrong.

    As for knowing more than you.. I think that’s more than been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. I can see you still have quite a bit to learn about life and people. When you’ve had a bit more experience with life you come back and we’ll have a serious conversation– but then I don’t see that happening with you anytime soon.

    ~ DF

    1. Cei Kei or however u spell your name, I’m sorry but I had to put my delicious hamburger down to for a sec to say…I was bored and was reading some of your incredibly ridiculous replies(yes, only some of them due to how irritating they were) and I’m sorry to say but you are stupid and ridiculous!

  55. hey for all of you defending andrew…he does have a fan club ,I would think…GO THERE AND DO YOUR THING… defend his poor manors and love the fat dripping from his mouth… this is for people who thinks you should close your mouth when eating and don’t speak while chewing…..everybody learns that before age 4……. manors 101

  56. Everyone also learns in Spelling 101 how to spell ‘manners’. Manors are homes in which some people live.

    I’ll say I’ve continued to watch Bizzare Foods and I have yet to witness any of this lipsmacking, drooling, or percieved rudeness people have indicated they’ve witnessed.

    As for defending Andrew, of course we will especially when others make ineffectual arguments as reasons to remove him. If you don’t like the show. Don’t watch it. Some of us do like it and him. Deal with it. When you see it coming on, turn the channel. If you don’t, you’ve got no one to blame but yourself for watching it.

    ~ DF

  57. you spend so much time correcting people’s mistakes and giving grades…….I think I got a B…..
    The fact is that I have been here for a short time to learn about your culture and your language and I am still learning it ….. so thank you for that….. it’s only my forth language and I am working on it….I am very surprised you only found one….
    how many languages do you speak? just curious… obviously english is one of them.
    I have to tell you …I have traveled a lot and everywhere in the world I have seen every mother teaching her child the correct table manners.(see i learned)
    if you have not seen him eating with his mouth open you should watch again because all these people here are not making it up.
    let me know if you find any other mistakes….I will appreciate it

  58. I think Doc Feral didn’t spend much time on that travel lover. I love Andrew Zimmern and will still watch it. If he irks you, then you better not watch him. To each his own.


  60. I came across this posting after having my my own last straw with the open-mouth chewing! It disgusting and unnecessary and I cannot not stand this show. Otherwise I usually enjoy this type of program.

  61. Andrew rocks, as stated above.
    Don’t we all have our own quirks? True the lip smacking is there, but I didn’t even realize it until you all started to blab about it. Now that I know it’s there I see how it reminds me of my grandmother eating a peanut butter sandwich and that make me happy and is probably why I’ve always been a fan of Andrew’s.

    Andrew was the local morning tv news food reporter and I’m sad that he’s no longer there as that was the only segment that I’d actually tune in to see. He makes the experiences real and for some, it may just be a little midwestern and true to life apparently.

  62. this series is a spin-off of a special about bizarre foods in asia that was aired before bourdain ever got a show. and the title is bizarre FOODS, there is nothing keeping bourdain from doing other things for his show. look at samantha brown for example, she actually does stuff besides eat. it’s silly to suggest that one show “ripped-off” the other…in fact the whole thing is stupid…why am i writing this?

  63. Mike,

    You sound envious and a little bitter. No kids, no popular show on TTC, no talent. I wonder how Zimmern would describe you?

  64. Yes, there are people out there that share the same feelings that I have for Zimmern!!! I too came across this post when I was annoyed for the last time with the lip smacking!
    Everything is” nutty” or “buttery” and everything is by the far the best thing he’s ever tasted! Is “Snaily” even a word?!
    Yes the show is great and amazing to see other parts of the world. I will find myself watching the re-runs, but once the lip smacking gets in motion, I will turn it away or mute it. God forbid if I have the channel on while eating dinner. I wouldn’t be able to stomach it.
    For those who have never heard him lip smack… try watching it with your eyes closed, it’s apparent you are visual occupied and your hearing senses are being challenged. I’ll guarantee the smacking will be amplified.

    Bizarre Foods, is great too, but I can afford to lose to see the peach, orange, sherbet shirts with “camel toe” appearance. The cameraman should also be questioned for taking some awkward shots of his “down below”.
    I won’t find myself eating behind Zimmern. All that lip smacking, there’s bound to be some fly away particles spewing out of his mouth and then he double dips out of the same sauce that he is sharing with other people! I don’t hate the man, and will respect the things that he eats. But dang, chill out with the lips smacks. I forget why I watch the show in the first place when I am drowned out the sound that comes out of that man’s mouth.
    Anthony must think he’s a douche bag when he is sitting with him at the table.

  65. Debating on who’s show is better is really quite pointless. Both Andy and Tony bring a unique and entertaining perspective to their shows. The shows are programed on a specialty channel called Travel and both achieve their goals that have me tuning in regularly. But to say one is better then the other is strictly a matter of taste. As for the lipsmacking, that too is a cultural phenom. While it’s obvious some people are completely turned off by it(and i respect that), I actually find it motivating my appetite. It just doesn’t bother me and seems to add to the consumers appreciating of the meal. Zimmern’s crew have mentioned on his website that food does fly everywhere when he’s eating so there may be something to the complaint about his manners. But like the differnces between his and Tony’s show, it’s in the eye of the beholder. Finally, while I’ve never killed an animal in my life, I’m like most of America and come to terms with my hyprocrosy with eating meat. Since Bizzare Foods isn’t travling to a Vegan Fairy Land, he’s has no quams about dealing with how the real world gets it’s food. It would be a lie if he didn’t.

  66. Andrew Zimmern is awesome! He is like a real life Homer Simpson; and I mean that in the best way possible. He’s funny, descriptive, humble, and has an adventurous spirit. He is the perfect host for that show.

  67. Shut up, you stupid bitches! Are you people retarded??? if you dont like it – dont watch it!! OBVISIOUSLY, you are intrigued by the show!!!! Andrew Zimmern rocks!! Andrew, I saw you at Four Seasons, Palm Spring.

  68. It’s hard to take an animal rights person seriously when they state something like…Cei kay- “If anyone deserves to be sliced and consumed while his heart is still beating, it should be Andrew Zimmern. And I hope they give him a taste while they feasting on his throbbing guts.”

  69. Wow. I wanna give Andy fat fuck Zimmern a swift kick in the nads with a cowboy boot more than anything else in the world right now. I just woke up everyone on my floor in this hotel yelling at the tv while fat fuck was smacking his lips, and stuffing his face. If this ass isn’t the most annoying chewer on the earth. Ok. I’m calming down a little. It’s actually quite comforting to find a few poeple who share my detest for this toad of a human. Does he not know how bad he is? Who let this guy grow up like this?

  70. I would bet money that this sicko wouldnt have one bit of a problem eating a human and enjoying every bite of it!! ANd it wouldnt matter if it was alive or dead!! They need to cancel this total waste of air time. To say he makes me sick wouldnt even touch the discust that I feel for this man and this show.

  71. I think Zimmerns show is great. The thing that gets me is his critics are people who find his eating gross because they are wealthy enough to only eat the “prime meats”. Bourdain is great but his “talk show” special was horrible while Zimmers Halloween was great! Tipping a glass of blood with a British bobby? Brilliant!

  72. OMG, both my husband and I can’t stand the lip smacking. I feel exactly like the original post. I don’t mind his show, but as soon as he starts chewing, we have to change it.

    His editors should simply cut the sound in those places.

  73. man, I couldn’t agree with you more. His show is on right now and it prompted me to Google “Andrew Zimmern chewing sounds”. It’s like they mic’d his uvula.

  74. I don’t know which make be sicker, what this fat ass eats or his chomping smacking his jaw makes as his tounge moves in and out of his mouth. He is a good diet plan. All I have to do is watch him and I am not hungry any longer. He is a disgusting human. He is still on TV only because he is a freek show that people can not look away from. Kind of like looking at the headless corpse on the express way after a horrible accident. He makes me sick just thinking about this fat ass.

  75. what i can stand is the way he wags his hands/fingers after he’s put something in his mouth. it is so irritating

  76. Eveybody has the right to what they do and dont like.For instance whats with this Dhani tackles the globe motherf***er.What rock did he crawl out from uner and who was the moron that decided he needs his own show.Was the NAACP nipping at the heels of travel channel or somthing?Put him on ESPN thats where he belongs.Hope he tackles a ninja an gets his fat head lopped off with a Katana.That would be the only reason I would tune in.

  77. The most common complaint you’ll probably read on the web regarding Zimmern is his oafish insensitivity towards the various cultures he visits. It seems oddly ironic then that people from his own culture have such strong opinions about what ultimately is a cultural thing: lip smacking. Really, it is very funny, and I’m not dissing anyone for their opinions – the sound makes me crazy too – but I just can’t hate the guy for that. Bourdain, OTOH, is way too tortured; each episode feeling the need for verbal self-flagellating catharctic moments as though his viewers were some collective therapist who should be nodding his/her head in Jungian knowingness. Really, Tony, give it a rest, it’s okay to be imperfect. Americans are often accused of being culturally ugly unless they beat themselves up publically. Well, I like both the guys and their imperfections and their shows.

  78. I am actually watching the show now and decided to google him. Why? Because I wondered what other people thought about him. Imagine my surprise when I clicked here!! I was yelling ‘close your mouth when you’re eating!!’, so I guess the lip smacking bothers me too.

    And what is up with all the orange? How is it possible for one person to own so many orange clothes?

    Crazy uncle for sure!


  79. AZ is a cornball, dork, clown, ass hat, SOB. Cannot be more eloquent than that. The guy claims that he’s a “world traveled culinary chef”, but if he was, he would not respond the way he does. For example when he first tasted the durian fruit. I was hoping that little asian farmer guy would take a swing at him. I mean, just man up and swallow it for christ sake. It’s just one little bite. Also, he describes foods as disgusting, putrid, rancid, etc….etc……Foods that other people on this planet eat as sustenance. I guess my real beef is that he dosen’t take things in stride like bourdain does. Stop making a big deal about it, educate us as to what it is, eat it and it’s over. Stop being so friggin’ dramatic everything. Also, what does he insist on wearing that stupid dinner jacket with the stupid hankerchief in the brest pocket? Does this man have any common sense. He’s like a kid. How can he shit on all these cultures with a smiling face and live with him self? OK I’m done. I think I’m gonna write a letter to the Travel Channel as well.

  80. Not only is the lip smacking offensive but so is watching his fat fingers stuff food in his fat head so he can waddle off and sit on his fat ass. That guy totally grosses me out. Flat out,he is not entertaining and he comes across as a gluten. Bourdain is a thousand times more interesting.

  81. If lip-smacking drives you round the bend, I shudder to think how you would handle a real emergency. Whenever I have seen the show it seemed okay to me.

    Also, this is a response to Chris: Have you considered seeing a psychiatrist for your hatred of fat people? “fat fingers, fat head, fat ass–waddle off” were your comments. Are you such a model of perfection that you can throw stones?

  82. I love both No Reservations and Bizarre Foods. I don’t think one is meant to copy the other at all. No Reservations is more about good food in its complex cultural, economic and political context.
    Bizarre Foods is more about trying things that are novel and frightening. It’s not meant to be as deep, it is meant, however, to show us how things that are ordinary and dear to one food culture are strange and frightening to another, but to keep an open mind about it. Zimmern once commented that he offered cheddar cheese to some tribal dude in africa, and the guy thought the idea of letting milk curdle and harden into a little orange block was really gross. And you can’t blame him, it’s just something weird we accept without thinking.

    Zimmern is a goofball, but I like him. And I don’t think not liking a food means you disrespect it. He always smiles, always says thank you, and always tries it at least twice. Most of the stuff he eats the average person of that country wouldn’t touch either: they’re usually rare traditional or novelty foods, even to the natives of the country he’s in.

    And c’mon, you guys. I love Tony, too, but he’s not as culturally sensitive as you’re describing him. He’s repeatedly and publicly denounced the food culture of entire countries and regions… Iceland and the rest of Scandinavia, for example. Andrew Zimmern is overdramatic and goofy, but he tries to be nice.

  83. I actually like the show. It’s like watching a train wreck (although I don’t like watching trains or anything wreck for that matter.) Andrew does not make any of the food look appetizing at all not because of what it is but the way he eats it. He has bad table manners but I like the show. It always makes me crave actual good food though!

  84. Annette…I have nothing against fat people but it makes sense to make fun of his impending coronary when he is stuffing his mouth with food…he is fat, get over it.

  85. Oh Mike! You’ve done humanity a great service by publishing your rant on Andrew Zimmern. I, like others who’ve commented on your article, was so irritated by Zimmern’s exceedingly annoying lip smacking that I Googled “hate andrew zimmern’s smacking” —which is how I came across your article.

    At first, I thought it was the fault of the soundman having made Zimmern’s microphone too sensitive and thus magnifying every one of his torturous smick-smack-grunt-n-drools. But, if that were the case, the mic would’ve picked up other environmental sounds, which we don’t hear—-thus proving that Zimmern is really no less repulsive than Fat Bastard from the Austin Powers movie.

    And I totally agree with you that Zimmern over dramatizes the “weirdness” in what he’s eating. But it’s not merely over-dramatization he’s guilty of. The way he does it seems so passive aggressive…so ethnocentric…so self-aggrandizing…so unappealing. It’s like having to watch that bloated swine masturbate with each gnarly mouthful—made only more gnarly because viewers are subjected to watching and hearing it all being gnashed about in Zimmern’s gaping maw.

    I believe the general content of the show is interesting enough, but I find myself distracted by Zimmern’s piggishness and spending 80% of the time yelling things at the TV like, “SHUT YOUR FESTERING PIE-HOLE YOU RUDE SLOBBERING PIG!!” That said, I continue to watch certain episodes of his show (ones of locations I’m interested in) in hopes of picking up on some unique place to try on my own—–but I’ve been watching with the sound off…especially when Zimmern is eating (I’m also starting to need to turn away as soon as that cochon starts gripping at something and stuffing it into his flapping lips).

    Mike…do you think the show’s producers would do tell Zimmern to close his mouth when he chews and to stop smacking if you started a petition? How many signatures do you think you’d need for them to get him to do the show with a canvas bag over his head?

    Thanks for providing this forum to rant about all this!

  86. Hey if you need someone to start that petition, you’ve got it!! But I would rather not take any chances with him slipping up so I think we oughta just have him taken off the show altogether!!

  87. I would actually like the show if it wasn’t for the lip smacking and chewing noises. Many people have a problem with people that eat that way.

    I would like to let his producers know that the editors should simply equalize that stuff out during those parts.

    Then people who are bothered by it could make it through an entire show instead of changing the channel when the chewing starts.

  88. Jeez, unless you’re in the same situation my grandmother was in the early 70’s where she could only get 1 channel, could those who hate Zimmern just change it?
    I for one enjoy seeing a host who resembles Homer Simpson rather then a cookie cutter kewpie doll or pretty boy host. It’s his everyday guy approach that 1st got my attention. I personally love the way Travel Channel has taken a quirky approach to their hosts. There’s something for everyone. And if you still can’t stomach a unique way someone approaches his show, you can switch to the italian chick on the Food Channel

  89. Hey VINMAN if you dont like our comments, for Christ sake go read another article…and get a life!!

  90. Katrina start a petition?
    You are beyond needing to “get a life”, your ready for a straight jacket!

  91. Katrina…you’ve got a sense of humor which proves you have a life…you get it…I like you.

    Vinman…one word for you: whatever…

  92. The guy is a jerk. He’s arrogant and obviously a tourist no matter how much he’s traveled. He drives me crazy with both his eating with his mouth open and chewing only two or three times unless it’s a very chewy dish.

  93. Aw man, just saw him eating live octopus. I thought his smacking was bad (and it is), but even worse is watching him with a writhing tentacle sticking out of his fat face. Quote from the next segment, speaking to the chef, “ugh this is horrendous”

  94. Ok…I promised myself to not talk about or watch his show again or write about him here as I have done in the past, But I am planning on a trip to Ethiopia to explore the culture and I thought I give it a shot…already knew about the awful eating habits he has…so I got myself ready to pass that…but my god he is just rude and unbearable…he gives a bad name to this country by representing it around the world, acting like a superior idiot….He insulted their food as they were trying to be hospitable and made disgusted faces, implying how can you eat s!#$ like this…

    As we know these places can be very poor at times and food is hard to come by…they killed one of their few cows for him and as he mentioned they only afford to eat meat couple of times a year….ungrateful bastard…he said after tasting one of the dishes..ahhh in this culture when you touch the food you have to eat it…oh man…do I have to?…making nasty faces….

    The worst is when he tries to take a comedians job and be funny.
    He act superior to these cultures and that is not the purpose of the show…you were lucky enough to born in a place that food is easier to come by on the supermarket shelves…just educate and explain…don’t judge….I will just depend on the internet and books for my trip

  95. i also cannot stand this person ~ not just because he’s the poster child for gluttony, but he DOES condone animal cruelty in the sense that most of the animals he is stuffing into his pie hole are not raised or killed humanely and that gives these countries the impression that it’s ok to do this. he has no respect for the animals that he’s consuming and is not discouraging these uneducated countries from treating their “food” this way. he wouldn’t be missed if his show was cancelled ~ whoever is in charge needs to consider that.

  96. I couldn’t care less if he was gnawing the heads off live kittens in Bangladesh as long as he kept his damn mouth closed while doing so

  97. Isn’t anyone going to dis on Zimmern’s “Survival” show??? We can now add “amplified heavy breathing” to Zimmern’s growing list of annoying behaviors!

  98. He’s the most annoying person ever i tried watching his show so many times I CANT DO IT hes rude and ANNOYING if that’s what your into well have fun with him you can keep him.

  99. Wow this is a perfect review of the show!! i believe that they should really move that mic away from his mouth. no reservations is the best!!

  100. I havent watched his show in some time in protest. Just thinking about him makes my blood pressure rise…….

    If I ever saw this guy on the streets I would literally try to choke him out. Not kill him, but inflict much much pain

  101. I CANNOT STAND Andrew. His guests will never scold him for his rude habits (except for the episode where he eats durian…that guy got pretty pissed). Now I don’t think twice about burping out loud or using my shirt as a napkin while I’m by myself, but good God YOUR ON CAMERA; show some decency. Yes there is the lip smacking, the waving of hands and pointing of fingers, but its his excessive, unnecessary monologues after EVERY bite he takes that drives me batshit…

  102. This guy is a complete dumbass. He’s like an overgrown 5 year old. And his vocabulary is ridiculous. He just adds a “y” to the end of any word and uses it as a adjective. I’ve heard him say the following throughout various episodes: “it tastes very porky” (while eating pork…), “it’s very seafoody”, “it’s horsey”, “it’s very…mineraly” While in Vietnam “this place is a foody mecca”, and many many more. This guy is a joke.

    Funny I’ve never really noticed his slopping noises when he eats. Probably because I just focus on the way he speaks and relates to other people, which is horrendous. But I’m gonna start looking out for his slopping so I have something else to make fun of him for.

  103. Well this about sums it all up at this point. Nothing contructive of even witty or humourus has been added to these comments in quite a while. The critisisms you reap on this guy are obviously what the majority of the audience find so endearing. Add that to the fact that it’s actually a fun, informative and quite unique show, they’ve gone and given him a spinoff. Since i have tired of the same old swips at this site, i suggest you follow my lead the next time you consider turning on andy-cancel your subscription

  104. It’s awful watching Andrew Zimmern attempt to be charming with his guests who clearly are just faking a smile just because they want to be on TV.

    Seriously he is lacking in the social skills.

    However, the show is interesting and while I don’t really like him as a host (especially when he’s being a dick)…the show itself is pretty interesting and definitely watchable.

    I’d rather have a show about Bizarre Foods with a semi-likeable host rather than no show at all.

  105. Ha Ha haaa. oh, how I love google….

    I’ve always had this dislike for Andrew Zimmern, so a quick search for ” I hate andrew zimmern” gave me like a gazillion hits, and numerous devoted sies!
    The more I watch, the more I hate him, and I’m really TRYING to like him. because, really, the format, the (stolen) concept, exotic locations, etc. all make for good tv.
    BUT Damn, isn’t there anyone better than A.Z.? Some one commented earlier, to describe him best, as funny, in the crazy uncle way. But I don’t get any satisfaction from watching rambling about how disgusting or CrAzY something is. I don’t know if he does more to help people open up and try new things, or the complete opposite and run from trying anything different, all while making stupid faces. He sure loves big fat nasty American cheese-goober-burgers and hang over the plate weiners, but doesn’t some other fat guy have that show already?

    The thing I hate about AZ so much is his arrogant, fat, obviously American ignorance. He travels to so many countries and sees so many different cultures, and yet his comments are so….kindergarten.

    “oh, that’s gross!”
    “wow, is that cool, or what?”
    “Now that’s the wackiest thing I’ve ever put in my mouth”

    Not once have I ever heard him try to greet, or even thank people in their own language. He knows nothing of world cultures, religion, history or food for that matter.
    Who the hell gave him a show anyway?

    Last night was horrible. I think he was in S. Africa, bungee jumping. Except he gets to the edge and….fails. Why bother airing that? What a waste-of-time douche bag! What a complete let down. And then they continued to show 10 more minutes of him blabbering about “i had no problem until I got to the edge….I was gonna do it” What a waste of time you are.

    What makes me so upset about this whole show is the failure to use it’s popularity and its reach to reach millions of close minded americans to try new things but completely obliterates it by overly dramatic and dumbed-down reactions to everything. This show has the chance to do good. A chance to fight ignorance. And what a superb job in failure.

    No wonder us Americans (US americans) are so unpopular accross the world. Because people like Az and his show spawn more dumb people to say and do stupid things in other countries.
    what a disgrace.

    So, Andrew, I hope your reading this. You need to do some research before setting out to the next CrAzY place and eating/sharing your host’s meager meal and hurling it up in front of them. You are a disgusting pig (and not just the way you stuff your face) and the reason why we american are so dumb. You are the Rachel Ray of travel shows. I’d rather you do what she did, and get a day time show and leave the travel-ogues to the pro’s. You discourage smart, intellectual and curious travels from ever leaving American soil. Sad, sad sad…

  106. I absolutely hate this guy. I watch all the cooking shows and Travel shows and cannot fathom why this disgusting pig rates a show. He lip smacks constantly, ooohs and ahhhhs over every fecal material he shoves in his ginormous wet mouth, slurp smack crunch, eating bugs, dogs; endangedered species are probably his fave… He is what other cultures would think of when they are asked to describe a big gluttonous earth destroying white pig. Imho. peace – save the animals…

  107. Quick story about Mr. Zimmern . . .

    I live in the Twin Cities suburb of St. Louis Park. After dropping my kids off at school today, I went to the local coffee shop to get a cup. Wouldn’t you know it, but Mr. Zimmern was there with his young son. I made I contact with him, and said “I know you’re with your son, but I’d like to shake your hand. I’m a big fan”. His response: “Yes, I am with my son.” He then turned his back to me. I’m a father of three – I know time with the little ones is precious. But for christ’s sakes, all I wanted to do was shake the man’s hand. He was a total DICK. Needless to say, I won’t be watching his show anymore. Fat prick.

  108. Sorry that happened but what I like to know is who slept with him to produce a son. I would have thought he was a nephew or something. ewwww….
    And other thing is…Mike why were a big fan? the show concept is great but he makes it unwatchable. I tried last night to see the Sicily episode because I lived in Italy for a very long time and I was curious to see what they would focus on…I couldn’t….had to change the Channel when he started commenting on the chewiness of things or how gamey they are…and “foul taste” or “taste like mud”…he is the only one that could have tasted the mud before…anyway….sorry about the experience…but I am not surprised.

  109. wow how rude! I put up with the chewing noise cause i thought he might be a nice guy. now I REALLY dislike him.

  110. Okay okay okay okay…I’ve got another one for you!!

    Has anyone noticed that when the camera zooms in on his hands for a close up of some item or dish that he’s pointing at…THAT HIS FINGERNAIL ARE PACKED WITH DIRT?!!!! This guy really is a “mille feuille” of nasty!!!!!!

  111. I think it’s rude to not realize with how much he’s on the road in regards to his show. That being the case, time with his kids is even more precious then might think. If I was Andrew here’s what I’d see… 3-4 weeks away at a shot. home for maybe a day or two before hitting the road again. So must spend time with off-spring during that time. Here I am with my child and some knuckle-head wants to shake my hand. Sorry, this is child’s time, not some stranger’s.

    Maybe if you offered to buy his coffee for being so rude, he would have been more congenial.

  112. I finally decided to look up Andrew Zimmern Sucks to day and this site popped up. Finally…. other people who are rowing the same life raft I am. That raft is called, ‘FUCKING FIRE HIS ASS ALREADY’. Here’s my reasons why. 1) His show is a complete rip-off of Boudain’s. He goes to the exact same places and shows nothing new except that he’ll actually eat dirt. Wow that’s really interesting. 2) That while he’s eating said dirt, he’s got it running out the sides of his mouth from the lack of keeping it closed. This is where that god awful smacking sound is eminating from. 3) He is a complete embarrassment as a representative of american media. He’s such a fucking goof. I have no other word except goof when I think about him. Bourdain rocks. His show is perfect for what he’s doing. He shows how to travel and not be such a douche-bag while doing so. Travelling is all about respect of other peoples homes. We are just guests who are welcome if you show some respect. This is where goofus (A.Z.) really pisses me off. I just caught his new show bizzare world. The name is in itself kind of ethnocentric. It’s bizzare from who’s aspect? He went to Bali in this show and looked like such a Bule` Gila (crazy westerner) fucking idiot. He couldn’t even say “Balinese” properly. I mean come on.. Next, his editors were such dumbasses that they showed a whole bunch of men and boys betting money over a cricket fight with A.Z. joining in the fun. Gambling is very illegal in Indonesia. Why don’t you do a little research before you go. At least pick up a lonely planet or something. Plus he lokked like such an annoying tourist while doing it. I lived in Bali for a year and he’s the kind of idiot that makes people annoyed with ugly americans and other westerners. At least Anthony Bourdain can retain some knowledge that he left a place and was welcome to come back. Fire Andrew Zimmern now, do us all a fucking favor. Pretty please Travel Channel?

  113. The person who contributed with the screen name of “Who Cares” said even more good stuff than I did. It’s worth reading. Thank you for contributing. I like your fuckin style….

  114. GOOD LORD…I hate Andrew Zimmern. His motto, “if it looks good…eat it” has obviously warped his already obese body into a disgusting mountain of white flesh. He is a living, breathing, overeating Jewish version of Jabba the Hut.
    From his offish smile to his constant need to barbarize foreign languages, I truly find this man repulsive. Seriously…what makes a type of food or a culture bizarre? It’s completely nonobjective, because one person’s ‘norms’ vary. Do us all a favor and kill yourself, Andrew.

  115. Hey Zimmern’s Tiny Penis. I agree with you 110%. But I have one problem. What do you mean barbarize a foreign language? That soft, white, silly, son of a bitch has never even once tried to say anything in a foreign tongue. If he had, then yes, he would have destroyed it completely. And by the way, the reason his penis is tiny is because he ate the rest of it. He should have his lips sewn shut so he can’t pollute the airwaves with lip smacking-drooling-or foot in mouth gagging while visiting distant lands.

    And yes the word bizarre pisses me off to no end. It’s highly offensive to assume that every other culture, other than the supposed american culture, is somehow strange and weird. I think the The Travel Channel should pull its head out of its ass also. Do you really want “this” as your representative of americans? It sucks to admit but AZ does represent a cross section of americans. A large cross section. Fat, stupid, ethnocentric, mouth breathers who can’t even leave their Lazy Boy chair, let alone their own county (I mean country).

  116. Indopunk,

    I applaud your zeal. When I said he barbarized other languages, I was referring to his insipid need to say things like “Gracias” or “Gratze” without even a hint of correct pronunciation. He is single-handedly destroying America’s reputation abroad.
    What really chaffs my ass is that his whole show, the premise and content, is a cheap knock-off of Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations.
    Now there’s a gentleman and a scholar. Bourdain has cooking credentials, and is obviously well-cultured without being a pandering lily-white bitch. That is a difficult line to walk, especially with Zimmern’s swollen ankles.
    How I loathe the bastard.
    Ah yes, I do agree with you though that AZ (sadly) represents a cross section of America. To me, he embodies everything terrible about the Midwest. That, coupled with his limited knowledge of adjectives makes me hate him. A whole fucking lot.

    1. First of all, to the jerk who referenced Andrew Zimmern’s Jewish ethnicity and–sounds like you have a problem with Jews. Get over it and f*&^ off, loser. And what’s with your obsession with Andrew’s “member.”

      As for your equally inane comment about him being from the Midwest–he is a New Yorker who lives in Minneapolis–he is not from the Midwest. The fact that he lives in Minneapolis and doesn’t want to kill himself or fall off the wagon (he is a recovering addict) makes him a saint. I used to live in Minneapolis and it would drive anyone to suicide and substance abuse (not necessarily in that order).

      I was just wondering, do you have a problem with Anthony Bourdain being Jewish, too? That is your problem isn’t it, genius, that you’re a racist (and are obsessed with Andrew Zimmern’s penis–which I gather from your comment you have seen)? Freak.

    2. He said “ Jewish version of Jaba the Hut”… how do you make the leap from that to he “hates Jews” ? There is no doubt anymore the types like you that turn every off-handed, innocuous,casual observation into fodder for the grievance industry is a manifestation of at least one personality disorder or psych trauma. And he’s a saint because he’s an ex-addict ? Ever thought about therapy ?

  117. I saw a show on the food network with Jeff Corwin (sp?) along the same premises as AZ’s pathetic show. It’s pretty good, we all need to start patronizing his show instead of AZ’s.

    And to the post directly above me…….I feel ya buddy, if I ever met AZ I just might see red and do something I’ll regret. I’d like to snatch AZ for a few hours and stick him in a room filled with ripe durian fruit.

  118. A.Z.’s Tiny Penis,

    I like your style. We both agree that AZ is just a rip off of Bourdain’s show. I said this in one of my earlier rants. I got hooked on Bourdain’s show when he was in Malaysia, wearing a Ramones shirt, quoting lines from Apocolypse Now while traveling up a river. The man has class what can we say. I have never even heard AZ try to say anything in a foreign language which really chaps my hide. If you have I’m sure it was excruciating to hear him fuck it up severely. I lived in Bali for a year so I know something about the people and culture there. When Bourdain went he fell in love like everyone else that travels there. When AZ-hole went he made an ass of himself. He couldn’t even say the word Balinese properly. He said the Bal part like we would say pal (as in buddy). Fucking idiot. I love that I have a place to vent this frustration. I’m realizing that this is not really going to change anything. We should fire bomb the Travel Channel’s offices in protest. It’s that embarrassing having this bald headed circus geek running around making us look bad. If he wants to do something ‘bizarre’ he should go to Singapore and spray some graffiti and then get caned. I would love to watch that. hahaha

  119. On a tangent, I’d just like to point out that when Bourdain travels to different countries, the culinary elite all welcome him with open arms. AZ has to hire travel aids who smile at him through clenched jaws. Working as a chef for 6 years has made me jaded perhaps, but I just can’t stand how the Travel Channel allows this guy’s buffoonery. Man vs. Food is bad enough. Wow giy, you talk like a frat-boy dropout and you eat til’ you hurt. Standards, Travel Channel, it’s called standards.
    And Bali looks amazing. Ive been to mainland China and Japan several times, but I long to go to SE Asia.

  120. Man, I remember when he went to Spain in the episode he meets Ferran Adria. Earlier in the episode he drank Horchata and almost puked, then went on to say “This is disgusting”. Horchata?! Give me a break! In India he was given something to drink and he turned it down saying he has a rule of not drinking in the street when visiting foreign countries… To make matter worst he harms more than what he helps. You would think that the idea of this show would be to teach Americans to be more open minded to trying things instead of pointing out how weird everything is and how crazy he is to eat it. Another episode he went to Hawaii and said he wouldn’t eat spam!!!! spam! Or ANY OTHER MEAT FROM A CAN! How insulting is that to a gracious host. This man is undoing everything Bourdain has done.
    The worst part is to hear him describe something you’ve tasted… He has no fucking clue! I feel embarrassed that this guy is going around the world and identifying himself as an American. I mean Bourdain ate a pig’s rectum with the Bush men and didn’t even flinch! To top it all of AZ doesn’t even drink alcohol!

  121. I concur with the author! I almost want to like Andrew but his stupid gestures when hes eating make him look like an idiot and the chewing noise has got to go! PRODUCERS MOVE THE MICROPHONE!!!!!

  122. Huh, and here I was of the opinion that Bourdain was on the sarcastic side and that I far prefer Andrew Z. when given a choice of program host. That’s what it all boils down to, its a choice. Change the channel if you don’t like Bizarre Foods with A.Z.
    I work for an organization with different beliefs and food habits. If he liked the taste of every food or beverage he tried, we’d know he was lying, wouldn’t we.
    I also worked in chemical dependency-recovery. If someone choses to abstain from alcohol, that’s his right and choice. Respect it.
    Tolerance people. Tolerance. Rather than get hypertensive, change the TV channel.

  123. I agree with MAQ. I hope someone slaughters HIS fat ass alive one day and feeds him to the jackals.

  124. I like Andrew Zimmern.
    Tony “BORE”dain just travels the world and gets bombed, ewww, mighty entertaining……….not.
    A.Z. in Applalachia was a great episode.

    1. I swear if I read condescension one more time…I really would like to see who you would pick there Mike. Personally i don’t mind Andrew, he’s more entertaining than a hell of alot of other tv personalities out there. Givin I do throw shoes at the tv when the lip smacking gets to be a bit much. Im a big fan of the show either way. Who doesn’t like their crazy uncle as long as he doesn’t want to play mr tickle!!

  125. Oh god, here we go with the “clean and sober contingent”, get a life beyond your AA meetings. By the way people, we don’t watch AZ’s show, we do change the channel when he’s on, that’s not the point. The point is we don’t want him representing the rest of us as travellers. We don’t want simple minded Americans watching his show for knowledge of other cultures and countries with AZ as a representative. That is the reason for this site. So those of us who want him flogged can band together. The people who are sticking up for him must lead really interesting lives, because they have nothing better to do than stick up for this bald, bloated, american idiot.

    Nice screen name Sober297. You write like you’re a 13 yr. old girl. What is it with you AA types? You just can’t move on can you? By the way, alcohol lubricates conversation and connections throughout the world so don’t bag on Anthony Bourdain for being able to handle his liquor. It sounds to me like jealousy on your part. This is coming from an ex-addict so don’t try to respond with some AA/NA propaganda, I’ve heard it all before.

  126. I like both Bourdain and Zimmern’s shows. Each one offers a different perspective on food culture.

    Bourdain is a sarcastic guy (almost a smart-a%$) with good one-liners who enjoys good food, a cold drink (beer sake,wine,etc..) , and to hang out with the locals.

    Zimmern acts like a hyper little kid who gets paid $5.00 to eat a worm by his school mates on a dare. He’s more upbeat than Bourdain, and entertaining to watch.

    I’m jealous of both these guys-I wish I could get paid to travel and eat for a living.

  127. I LOVE your post Mike… I agree with everything you have to say about this convoluted, ego-maniac, grossly embarrassing representation of an American. Shouldn’t a rule on a food show be, “Do not smack your lips when you’re eating. It makes other people sick?” Since all he does on air is eat… you’d think he’d TONE IT DOWN.
    I also cannot stand how he sticks his tongue out before each bite- to bring the fork closer to his mouth… Is this laziness? Or just to make him more disgusting?
    Have you also noticed- he does look like a big penis in a collared shirt?

  128. I think Zimmern eating the eyeballs of a piglet was what caused me to finally pull the plug on this t.v. show.

  129. I’m waiting for him to actually eat nuts to see the pained look of confusion on his face when he realizes he can’t describe them as “nutty”

  130. Nice one Krissy Tragic. There have been a few times when after watching Anthony Bourdain’s show that I’ve stepped away without turning off the TV to catch bits of AZ acting like a complete Bozo. And so many times, at just the right camera angle, I too have thought to myself that, “jesus he looks like a penis with a shirt on”. I love getting these updates when other people chime in on this page. It makes my day to know that there are others out there that are just down right embarrassed by this lip smacking buffoon. And I agree, huge thanks to Mike for letting us all vent. I wish people like AZ would just stay home and not ruin it for the rest of us. Maybe someday we can see AZ in a turtleneck sweater with his head died purple so his true colors will really shine through. hahaha

  131. I agree he needs to be replaced. But not for his unhealthy obesity, lip smacking and lack of charisma.

    He displays general tactlessness for the local culture and people. I find that in each of his clips he’s non-accepting and fairly closed minded. It feels as if he describes food from the perspective of a semi-stubborn American stereotype (perhaps the obtuse marketing angle of the show- tittle in mind- seeing regular food as bizzare only to a painfully mainstream American audience). Frankly, he looks like he just doesn’t want to be there in the first place. Keep in mind he has never actually fully complimented a food or its origins without describing it’s negatives.

    I believe Anthony Bourdain pulls off eating these “interesting” foods better. The man has more brain cells which makes him more in tuned the culture around him and selection of words used to describe something. He also has more hair, which aids view ability.

  132. And it pissed me off that he smells everything suspiciously in disgust before eating it.
    It pisses off the locals too judging from their facial expressions on the show.

  133. Agree with AZsucks, The guy takes a trip to Tanzania watches how they make banana beer and goes on to say: “i don’t drink, but I am told that the flavor of this beer is very special.” How lame is this fucking guy! And that Hawaii episode I saw it too, how fucking insulting was that! Get this guy of the air and give Bourdain a 2 hour show….

  134. WHoa—don’t speak for me…I love Andrew and his explanations of cultural/exotic foods…Bourdain, you can have’em

  135. Stella….wow… if you like him, some day you will have your own show and you will have a page just like this…good luck

  136. My wife and I just love Andrew Zimmern and can’t wait to watch new episodes and even enjoy the old ons over again.
    Its not as much about the different foods he eats although that can be very interesting but we are very impressed in the way he seems to bond and interact with any culture he emerses himself into..Very intertaining!
    I simply can’t believe that some people seem to miss the whole point of the show. As far as Bourdain, I can take or leave him and there is no comparison

  137. So, I guess the whole lip smacking, greasy lip, bug crunching thing dont bother ya? Oh, and the time he ate the back off the horses or the cats?


  138. Zimmern treats his fan like crap. Recently, at the Sky Club at Narita, I witnessed him rudely dismiss a fan that came over to say “Hello”. He was too busy listening to something on his computer to spend a moment and make a fan’s day. I just hope that fan tells 10 of his friends so the word will spread. With that attitude, he’s lost me too.

  139. I don’t get what it is with people who think just because someone has a show or is celebrity of some sort that they should just drop everything they may be doing just because a fan comes up to them.. Gimme a break. The two instance I’ve seen noted on here, the person who approached him was rude themselves. Hell, one even said something to Andrew about it, Andrew agreed and reacted accordingly. Good for him. People on here talk about his lip-smacking and other noises (I have yet to witness while watching the show), yet no one even thinks that it may be socially acceptable to do that in that particular culture. No, they’d rather keep close their minds to that possibility. Americans seem to think that their way is the only way and as such that is how every other culture is. So much for Freedom of Expression.

  140. I don’t want to hear about the “poor” celebrity who can’t simply be polite when some of the above fans say “hey I like your show.”

    Since when is it rude to approach someone and say something nice?

    And the lip smacking happens EVERY show, not simply in places where it’s done that way.

  141. @DocFeral

    It’s not as if he is licking his lips in appreciation of a good dish. It sounds like a cow is chewing cud and the microphone is in its mouth. And like fairyface5 (there were 4 others?:P) said, it happens throughout the entirety of every show. You may want to have your ears checked.

    And I think the issue some people take with rude celebrities is that they have spent a lifetime striving to get everyone to know who they are. Day in and day out everything they do is focused towards becoming more recognizable. And then if they act like it’s this burden they have to carry or that it has been thrust upon them unwillingly people call bullshit. and rightly so. It’s the definition of hypocrisy.

  142. The fact of the matter is, if you want to say something like “Hey, nice show..” drop him an e-mail or send him a message on Facebook. Something that may not be intrusive to either his work life or his private life. Sure you may think walking up to him in an airport when he’s alone may not be intruding. The question is what was he doing before you walked up? What was his listening to/watching? Was it some random vid or was it a vid from his kids that they made just for Dad..? Was he listening to useful phrases for the next country he’s in the airport waiting to go to..? Fact of the matter is, you don’t know…So when you go up to him in the airport as he’s sitting there with his headphones on watching something on his expect him to just stop what he’s doing just to say “thank you” to you? If I was him – my job and my family (who, I’m sure, he doesn’t see too often) are more important then random person just walking to him to say “Nice job”…

    @ Micheal.. Funny you should mention having my hearing checked. Just had it checked a few weeks back. It’s above average. I think people’s pre-occupation with his chewing deals more with the nit-picking attitude of the American Culture then it does to anything else.. I think the only hypocrisy here is we say celebs should have a private life, yet we want to know everything about them and think they’re accessible to us. Just because they’re on our TV’s every night does NOT give us any right to intrude on their privacy. I also think you’re conception of what defines celebrity is

  143. Based on your logic no one would ever speak to anyone else in public. “Oh my god, what if they are mulling over the cure to cancer and I interrupt them?!”

  144. You see a celebrity you are a fan of walking down the street and you quickly reach for your laptop to drop them a line? WTF? The most natural thing is for you to say something.

  145. No, based on this logic you don’t intrude on celebrites you may run across. Unless you want to be as rude as you claim they are when you just walk up to them on intrude on them.

  146. He was in Madrid today and ate a whole plate of (of course) their very best cooked lamb – then proceeded down the road and ate like a whole sheeps head. Who eats this much food? And that was only 5 minutes into the show as I had to turn it while he was eating the earlobe gristle. ewww

  147. A very wise old man once said,” one man’s garbage, is another man’s treasure.” …actually it was the ranting of a plastered drunk transient from last night while shovelin the fallen bits & pieces of a bacon wrapped tube steak down his pie hole. Mmmm. Delicious!

    I digress however, so let’s focus again on this on-going debate of our nations young citizens concerned with the Greasy, Cholesterol Trans FAT Lip Smackin of TV Hosts slash “Human Hefty Bag”, Andrew Zimmern. I ask you fellow citizens.
    Friend or Foe?
    An Epicurean of Exotic Foods, or Champion Bat Shit Eater?
    Food Royalty or that’s Royally F’n Nasty!
    To Lip Smack or Not To Lip Smack?
    I demand ANSWERS!!!

    Please use at least one of these words in your response:
    Gamey, Irony, Nicklely, Gelatiness, Greasy, Gristly, Grainy, Gooey, Chewy, Slimy, Porky, Beefy, Iodiney, and Fatty Goodness.
    Please feel free to contribute any additional Zimmernisms that I may have left out, and I must apologize for the substandard writing grammatical deficiencies and 3rd grade level spelling. I am a migrant and Engrish is my fifth language.
    Written by: Master Stinky Tofu
    Author of: Book of a Thousand Year Old Eggs; The Epic Struggle of a Samurai Duck Egg whose battles will forever Preserve him in time and a Crunchy Shell.
    New York Time Best Non-Seller List

  148. It is the nature of the beast… You never want to be bothered as you walk down the street, become an librarian not a public figure…..

  149. Haha! Maybe the ratings would pick up if a Zimmern Adjective Bingo game was made available. “Oceany! BINGO!”

    Another of the many things that bothers me is the show’s tagline, “If It Looks Good, Eat It!”

    The whole point of the show is that he eats things that look like demon shit, so tell me how that makes an ounce of sense.

  150. Stinky Tofu,

    are those real books you authored? Amazon doesnt carry them.
    If not, you should. You sound like a trip. and oh yea, Zimmern sucks ass. TRAVEL CHANNEL!!! WAKE UP!!!!GET RID OF AZ!!!!

    He chomps everything.
    Tiny worms
    Ice cream
    He probably chomps in his sleep. So annoying. I hope the people he visits don’t think that’s how all Americans eat.

  152. Zimmern has some sort of speech impediment that makes him completely mangle and mispronounce every single foreign word he tries to say…. and that’s his more charming quality

  153. @ Sam
    Like when he says “Muchas Glacias” instead “Muchas Gracias.” Hilarious that you caught that too!

  154. I’d say that there’s a bit of jealousy showing here. He’s very popular, and Vagabondish? Hardly no one has heard of this site. Wonder why? Sorry Mike, you’ll never be a household name. Get used to it and stop crying.

  155. Sooo jealous here for sure. Just got done shaving my head bald and gaining 80 pounds. Also, I’m working on getting rid of any cultural sensitivity I might have picked up over the course of my life. Table manners and the appearance of personal hygiene are on the calendar to get the axe, and I’m spraypainting all of my clothes neon orange.

  156. Grow up people, lip smacking is rude in western culture, but in many cultures its not, same with burping, it may annoy you but your the one who CHOOSES TO WATCH THE SHOW.

    dont like it, dont watch it.

    AZ isnt a bad guy, and yes sometimes you see people hes with get annoied with him, but alot of times you also see them getting a good laugh at his reactions to crazy shit, like drinking blood fresh from the cow.

    I dont even notice the lip smacking or chomping anymore, but i have worked for years with people from places where lip smacking, slurping and burping are just the norm, and even polite to the chef, unlike most of you who clearly havent gotten much of the multi cultural experience.

    and since you all love tony’s show, watch season 1 episode 4, he slurps, smacks and dribbles on himself……how rude!!!!

  157. try typing 1 handed, its fun, broken hand+typing=best thing ever!!!

    want tony being accepting of other cultures..s1e8, i agree with his attitude about how they treat women, but its still not very accepting.

    btw, those who attach others based on spelling/grammar prove the invalidity of their own stance on a subject.

  158. Ok Azure, sorry.

    By the way, Andrew was on a show today and he was helping rescue penguins in South Africa. I truly applaud his effort at this, I think it actually affected him quite deeply. Hopefully he will gain a better understanding of saving the planet’s resources instead of just eating them. He actually has a very nice speaking voice and is interesting, most of the complaints on here have been about endangered species and lack of grace. Peace!

  159. the turtle he aite wasn’t endangered, and i know native Americans who eat turtle here in the northwest.

    At least az isnt as annoying as bill nye or that dead animal hunter guy was…..

  160. We ain’t just talking turtle here, he eats anything and everything – horse, cat, dog, etc
    Notes/Featured Bizarre Foods
    23 (1) September 9, 2008 Phuket, Thailand Fried grasshoppers, pork liver and beef stomach & intestine soups, coconut balls, stretched squid, stuffed mackerel, wasp larvae, stir-fried stingray, mole crabs, wasabi-, chili-, and tom yum-flavored cashews and cashew apple juice at a cashew factory, red weaver ants, forest lizards, fish stomach sauce, deep-fried fish skin, horseshoe crab, sea whelk.
    24 (2) September 16, 2008 Sicily Cow stomach soup, mystery meat soup, beef spleen sandwich, sardine meatballs, gourmet cow’s mouth, Cerda Artichoke festival: fried, roasted, marinated, and frittata artichoke, and artichoke gelato on a bun, chocolate rabbit, cinnamon pudding, bottarga, tuna heart and sperm, cuttlefish eggs and pasta with ink, sea snails.
    25 (3) September 23, 2008 Goa, India Bora berry, chouricos (spicy pig offal and fat sausage), pickled mackerel, Vindaloo, hilsa fish roe, Bombay Duck, chicken Xacuti, pomfret, prawns, chickpea sandwich, golgappa (chickpea-stuffed pastries), chili fritters, betel nuts, sorpotel, mushroom and lentil curry, potatoes and rice in sour mango sauce cow urine herb drink
    Andrew visits the Sahakari Spice Farm and tries Ayurveda and yoga.

    26 (4) September 30, 2008 Samoa Samoan apple, se’a (sea cucumber intestines), pork pies, mutton, umu-cooked eel, whole pig cooked in ‘umu oven, raw tuna eyeballs and still-beating heart, giant clam, roasted tree grubs, fruit bat roasted on coconut husks.
    27 (5) October 7, 2008 Paris Terrine, head cheese, lardo, pressed duck with duck sauce and marrow, blood sausage, squab, gourmet mustard, truffles, refined cheese, rabbit liver, bacon and eggs ice cream, lamb tongues, sea urchin, snail caviar, escargot.
    Andrew visited the Rungis market, a mustard shop, Paris’s best cheese shop, and a snail farm.

    28 (6) October 14, 2008 Los Angeles Head cheese, slow-cooked piglet in goose fat, pig ears, tongue salad, and eyeballs, scorpions on toast, South American ants on string potatoes, crickets, worms, shot of wheat grass and barley, “rawsagna” with ground sunflower seeds, flax, cherry tomatoes, and dates, hemp-sunburger on flax flatbread, coconut-durian smoothie, soondae, hot dog burrito, cow’s tongue sandwich from the taco truck, monkfish with caviar, sea urchin roe, Santa Barbara shrimp saashimi, octopus tirodido, menudo, corn smut, nopal salad, grasshoppers, whole catfish, deep-fried chicken testicles, Peking duck, cockscombs.
    Andrew went to a vegan supper and a Hispanic family’s feast. Featuring special guest chefs Wolfgang Puck, Ben Ford and Ani Phyo and Los Angeles food blogger Eddie Lin [1].

    29 (7) October 21, 2008 Halloween Special This special discussed unfamiliar foods that are considered scary and what made Westerners uneasy about them. Andrew then hosted a Halloween party with Bizarre Foods fans where he served his favorite fares. He discussed drinking blood with food historian and author Linda Civitello, which is based on culture and status. Anthropology director at the University of Minnesota William Beeman explained about fear of bugs and organ meat, saying that people are more likely to eat insects with a side. Chef Patrick Lue Chai, whose restaurant Andrew ate at in LA, cooked fried crickets with potato strings as well as other insects for the party. Appetizers at Andrew’s feast were tarantula, waterbugs, grasshoppers, hissing cockroaches, and Thai stir-fried ants and crickts. The entrees were fresh cow’s blood, raw goat kidney, chicken feet, and guinea pig.
    30 (8) October 28, 2008 Hawaii Imu-cooked kalua pig, poi, a’ama crab, he’e luau (octopus w/ taro leaves), bonefish, Spam musubi, Pineapple upside-down cake with Spam, guava-glazed Spam, tempura Spam, Na’au (wild boar offal and blood), ono with lavender sauce, lamb with lavender salt and pepper, goat with Maui onion and chilipeppers, Hawaiian fusian – natto, clams, wasabi, and soy, local escargot, caviar, seaweed, goat stew with intestines and bile, opihi.
    31 (9) November 11, 2008 Ethiopia Fermented Enset fiber pancakes and porridge, raw sauted beef, ibe cheese, unfiltered honey, berbere, goat organs in ox intestines, crepe with chicken and onion, coffee, sorghum popcorn, fresh raw beef and camel kidney.
    In Addis Ababa Andrew shopped at Africa’s largest market and in Harar he fed meat to wild hyenas.

    32 (10) November 18, 2008 Maine Flounder roe soup with seaweed, sea cucumber, fiddleheads, beaver chili, bean-hole beans, wild ramps, stinging nettle soup, Indian cucumber, cattail, raw lobster, whelks, cod sperm chowder, monkfish head stew, BBQ junebugs, oysters with ramps, snails with periwinkle and beurre, moose and venisen terrine, duck tartare.
    Andrew went lobster fishing with Linda Greenlaw and judged a Deathmatch Maine Bizarre Foods contest with his father, a native of Portland.

    33 (11) November 25, 2008 Holiday Special Braised dried oysters with black hair moss, English goose, pig’s feet and lentils, snot (sweet potato starch), cow cod soup, rabbit and wheatberries, Swedish meatballs, cuttlefish eggs, pork intestine soup with red dates, tobacco-wrapped cheese, porcupine stuffed with potatoes and bacon, sweet noodle kugel, spritz cookies, sweet fish-shaped cake.
    Andrew hosted a holiday pitch-in party with chefs and friends he made around the world. It was at a historic mansion in Minneapolis and the food was cooked at the Calhoun Beach Club.

    34 (12) December 2, 2008 Uganda Lungfish, white ants lured by drumming, steamed plantains, braised goat with peanut and sesame sauce, grasshopper, squirrel, millet bread, goat stomach lining and intestines, Nile perch, rotten goat meat from a Ugandan drive-through, roasted corn, mixed grill (intestine-encased organs), cane rat with tilapia from Lake Victoria and raw Nile crocodile.
    Andrew takes part in a spiritual possession ceremony while in one village.

    35 (13) December 9, 2008 Japan River eels, sea squirts, stonefish liver, Bluefin Tuna eyeballs, mayonnaise fondue and milkshake, octopus egg sac, sea cucumber egg jerky, turtle blood sake, octopus ice cream, pit viper ice cream, beef tongue ice cream, horumon, takoyaki, raw horse mane, funazushi, squid ink soup, stewed tuna eyes in mirin, giant sea snail, sea snake soup (smelling sea snake anus in the market), raw goat testicles with scrotum.
    36 (14) February 10, 2009 Sexy food This episode was a Valentine’s Day special. It was a compilation episode about the cultural connections between food and sex, featuring foods that are supposed to be aphrodisiacs or are made of sexual organs of animals. Andrew visited the Mall of America where he gave out samples of bull testicles to see people’s reactions and if they would eat it when told it would help their sex life. Author and food historian Linda Civitello talked about the history of eating reproductive organs. At the Midtown Global Market Andrew interviewed people about foods that were aphrodisiacs, including chocolate and oysters. He handed out chocolate-covered meal worms and crickets that tricked people into thinking they were pretzels. At the end Andrew and some others ate sushi off a naked woman, a practice called nyotai mori.

  161. surprised he is still alive…
    he is not a person for the environment or the animals.

    The animals are often hunted and killed right on camera in inhumane ways. These animals suffer, Mr. Zimmern and the Travel Channel profits! No mercy is shown to the animals, they are treated like objects, the people on the show act as if they were out picking apples! This is giving the audience the idea that animals are just here for the taking, we can kill and eat them all if we wish. Imagine the message is this show giving to young viewers?!— Animals are food and nothing else!!??
    We need to tell the Travel Channel and Mr. Zimmern that animals are not objects, they have feelings, they can hurt, and they do not deserve to die for profit and TV ratings!

    He loves this restaurant in Beijing, China, where they torture and kill animals for greed. The Guolizhuang is also called The Penis Restaurant. They serve donkey, yak and seal penises, to name a few, and yes he eats them all!

  162. First, horse was till fairly recently a meat that was popular even in america, my grand pairents use to talk about how they missed it being avalible at grocery stores and butcher shops because it was so much better then beef.

    inkorea horse is still a far more common meat then beef for example.

    cat/dog/rat/guinea pig/exct, not my thing but guess what, a large portion of the world see them as nothing more then what you see a chicken or cow as FOOD.

    i have seen most bizzare foods eps and most of what he’s eaten isn’t to me anything that “bad” I wouldn’t eat alot of it, BUT i don’t see him/others eating it as evil or wrong.

    if you think talking about a guy eating penis is gonna get me to dislike the guy, your either a homophobe or far right “Christian” because, i hate to tell u this but cultures world wide have eaten testicles/genitals since before recorded time, again, not my thing, doesn’t sound yummy to me.

    watch this

    then say Tony doesn’t “eat cock” :P

    and are you starting petitions to stop reality tv shows and shows like some of the weird Asian/Japanese stuff that i have seen on US CABLE TV where they eat live animals to win money or prises?

    some classics of shock “reality tv”

    the live rat “smoothie” on fearfactor, they sent LIVE RATS thru a grinder and have people drink it….

    people eating live live bugs like worms, spiders, crickets, cockroaches and even bee’s are staples of reality tv, and you are upset over AZ eating stuff the way SOME other cultures eat it(or tell him they eat it anyway)

    If my hand wasn’t still seriously messed up, I would happily post you a STACK of clips of Anthony Bourdain killing animals such as the pig he STABBED WITH A SPEAR in the first season……how inhumane, he didn’t even knock it out first…..

    I have all of no reservations recorded at work(to watch as I sit and wait for something to do)
    Oh found something for you
    Is there anything you won’t eat on moral grounds?
    I’m not going to eat a live monkey brain out of a screaming monkey’s head. Because I don’t think it’s food.

    note, he didnt say anything about lobster or horse or or or……

    and people wonder why Americans are so looked down apon when they are visiting the rest of the world, Americans CANT accept that other cultures and societies have different morals and ideas of what makes something “good eats”

    personally, I find chitins more nauseating them most of what AZ or AB eat that grosses you people out.

    oh watch this from 8:00 on how crewl they stabbed it in the neck!!!

    when will you have the petition to stop no reservations up?

  163. for those complaining about AZ eating “live animals” Season 2, episode 11 Korea, tony eats live octopus and spends a good ammount of time talking about how the suckers stick to the inside of your mouth/thought (eww)

    personally when i saw it I thought of gahk(sp) from startrek :P

  164. I would like to add “I think” that when the derogatory phrase “honky” was coined Andrew Zimmerns voice was what was used as the role model-lol. His voice to me is what slurping is to you.
    He also let slip in one recent show he has to be careful because he has trouble with his intestinal tract due to the “stuff” he ingests.

  165. Ha! “Stuff.” If he could tone it down, do more for the planet and show some actualy species protection interest, he would probably have less hatred from the masses. Turn the shit around AZ!

  166. I just saw Andrew Zimmern on TV and had to run to the computer and type in “Is Andrew Zimmern an Asshole?” He drives me crazy. He is so smug, such an attention getter, such an idiot about eating his “exotic” food. I don’t even care about his lip smacking because his other traits are much worse. I imagine there is some native watching him eat some of his strange meals and thinking, “What an dope! We have to eat this junk because we don’t have enough money to buy a steak!” He’s the biggest food show-off around and tho he visits interesting places I can’t stand watching him when he goes overboard about how he can eat anything. Just eat it quietly and shut up!

  167. I don’t think he even fathoms that most of the “natives” eat what he eats in one day in about a month… They put on this big spread just to get on tv. I wonder if they even get paid for the ginormous buffet for gobbly mouth that probably costs the family an entire year’s wages? Just wondering…

  168. hardforum: yes they get paid, both bizarre foods and no reservations pay the people they have on the show in one way or another, In some cases they supply the food that is actually served(but its cooked by the natives)

    also in both shows, the hosts have been dooped into eating stuff that even the natives dont really eat, Pretty funny really, but hey, thats good tv, watching somebody eat the raw anus of a bore or whatever :P

    and if you want a “honkey” i got just the guy for you!!!

    watch that and videos with the same guy, talk about honky…..

  169. Andrew Z, reminds me of one of my grammar school jerkoff classmates who entertained all us kids by eating a box of Crayons!…Nothing more! I always wondered what ever happened to that slob with the black teeth who’d eat ANYTHING, THAT WOULDN’T EAT HIM FIRST!

  170. I do like to watch the show. Most persons are upset due to the things he eats, as they are outside the norms of their culture. I appreciate his show for two specific reasons:
    (1) The stuff he dare sample are in fact outside our cultural norms. They do catch my interest, will never eat them, and thanks to him I know how they taste.
    (2) He tends to give historical and cultural justification for the various bazaar meals. And the show gives me a huge insight of the differences in culture as on travel around the world.
    Comments regarding how he eats dresses or looks on the show – are irrelevant, childish and immature. If these simple things bother you,… watch a different show.

  171. If you don’t like it don’t watch it. Zimmern is the host, so tough shit. Although sometimes when he shakes hands with people of different cultures or shows some type of body language I can’t help but think if they are thinking he is a fool because one thing doesn’t mean the same in every culture

  172. When this guy was a kid, he was the fat, ugly jew that nobody liked. He tried to gain attention by eating worms and bugs. He never grew up. He still dresses like a kid, and acts like one “look mommy I’m eating worms!”

    What a turd.

  173. I don’t watch the show much because it is so disgusting. This guy eats everyting from SHARK to FRIED BUGS. Who in their right mind would eat those things? If he is so brave eating something that will probably kill one day, why doesn’t he eat or taste a dead human? For all we know.. he might have!!! If I were his wife… I would kiss him at ALL!!!!

  174. The reason why Andrew Zimmern is the host of the show it is because he knows what he is talking about. He is a chef and a culinary expert. Only ignorance would make someone ask to change him for the ShamWow guy. Andrew Zimmern show is one of my favorite shows. The foods he eats could be bizarre by some, but it is eaten by people from many different cultures that most likely understand the food Andrew Zimmern is eating, and they most likely ate it theirselves their whole life, and they didn’t die. This show is definitely not for people with a complete ignorance of the world, but for the ones that are cultured, educated and understand the greatness of life. In my opinion Andrew Zimmern is not being a daredevil of anykind, he is just seriuosly intriged by the possible flavor and taste that could most likely be a joy(hopefully). Look, if you are expecting that he would eat your dog’s poop in your backyard, I’m sure he won’t, unless you and everybody in your neigborhood have been eating it your whole life, didn’t die and said that it is special and it has a good taste to it, so be my guest. In what concerns to me, I wish I had the chance to go to different places and discover foods. Yeah, sometimes I wish I was there tasting that food too. I do know I might not have the stomach for some of them, but, it would be really interesting to try anyway.

  175. So today, fattie lip smacky is eating duck embryos. Please fire this azzzz. I accidently turned to his channel – turned away immediately when his fat sucking smacky lips were slowly raising the innocent unhatched baby ducks to his slobbery smacky crunchy monstorous gaping hole lips. puke.

  176. Just saw a commercial for the show and have to reiterate a comment I made back in February..

    “the tagline, ‘If It Looks Good, Eat It!’

    The whole point of the show is that he eats things that look like demon shit, so tell me how that makes an ounce of sense.”

  177. I agree with “KOFI”. How could someone so heartless actually eat an unborn duck. The poor little thing didn’t even have a chance at life. Like I said before…why doesn’t he try human meat. He might like it. EEWWW!

  178. yzavela says: I agree with “KOFI”. “How could someone so heartless actually eat…”


  179. Oh and p.s., the ones that say “this is what the culture there eats” is fos. They cook him like the grosest old shiit that their old people “used” to eat (my 90 year old grannie eats canned cow brains and milk); does not mean it is socially acceptable. Those ancients had to eat that for survival. Not to destroy the animals’s innocent creatures, one fried fat slurp gobble at a time. Hope you lick your fingers a lot zimmerman, fat slob…. sigh

  180. One thing is true that people in those countries eat those disgusting things, because they have depleted their oceans from sea food, and on land.. killed most of the animals that live in their region.But do we have to see it on television? We don’t need to know or learn anything as disgusting as that!! And we don’t need to know or see what others eat in those countries. We should be grateful to live in America with all its problems, that we have good food.

  181. Thats not really true, and about the duck embryos, hate to have to tell you this but duck/chicken/exct embryo’s are considered a delicacy in more then a few countries, I know people who eat them during big holidays (like christmas for most of us here)

    Dont judge others on what they eat, Its like saying kofi is a idiotic pantie waste because he/she/it dosnt eat meat, sure most vegetarians look like they have been kept in a medieval dungeon for most of their lives, all pasty, pale and emaciated, well that or they are fat as anybody who eats fast food all the time due to eating massive amounts of cheese :P

  182. Azure:

    well good luck with all that duck eating – I won’t be at your house for Christmas btw…


  183. I dont do it, BUT i know people who do, And to be clear, I would eat a full grown duck/chicken/goose/exct happily, but eating one thats only partialy developed……ewww…..BUT it is something some people find to be just wonderful and not weird at all……..

    Still wondering how eating shark is weird……….

  184. Well, at least we agree on this. It is like veal and that foie de grass (sp?) – just wrong.

  185. u wouldnt like our christmas dinner anyway, we have ham and/or turkey, tofurky need not apply :P

  186. Dude, maybe if you knew two runny shits about food and culture you would appreciate his descriptions. IT IS NECESSARY FOR HIM TO DESCRIBE WHAT HE EATS. IT IS CALLED BIZARRE FOODS, YOU WOULD NOT EAT 1/10 of the shit he eats on that show, I personally would because I have a big appreciation for culture.

    You sir are a weak timid shitty web designer and have no appreciation for food and despite lack of evidence I suspect you are a homosexual and part take in many acts with other men. I believe my claim bares repeating, you are a weak timid homosexual.

  187. Culinary expert??? lol

    Any one can be a “culinary expert”

    The guy is just piggy back riding on Tony’s successes.

  188. “When this guy was a kid, he was the fat, ugly jew that nobody liked. He tried to gain attention by eating worms and bugs. He never grew up. He still dresses like a kid, and acts like one “look mommy I’m eating worms!”

    What a turd.”

    This is true

  189. “Bizarre foods” existed before Andrew Z. it was called “A cook’s tour”

    Nice job Andrew.

  190. I can forgive Andrew for his eating with his mouth open and smacking his mouth while he eats, even though it is incredibly annoying. What I can’t forgive is his “disgusted” facial expressions while he eats dishes that his hosts slaved in the kitchen to cook him. He shakes his head like he’s appalled with what he just ate and uses words like, disgusting, gross, and horrible, as if they’re compliments. Doesn’t the idiot know that shaking one’s head carries negative connotations as he’s tasting the food his host just prepared?

  191. OMG!!!! Finally I find someone that is on my level. I see the previews all week long and can’t wait for the show to start, and then the smacking begins, with his teeth hitting together like a cow chewing Cud. Amazing content but the host is such a disgusting slob to me.

    The other thing that pisses me off is why does he have to describe EVERYTHING as “earthy, nutty, gelatinously, buggy, milky, brainy”…. you get my drift.

    But I must admit, I would give anything to be in his shoes. Getting to travel and taste it all. I’m Jealous!

  192. People talk about animal cruelty and how they should be killed in a specific manner that won’t interfere with their feelings. Face it everyone, if an animal is considered food, it will treated in an manner necessary making it a satisfying meal. If they are considered as pets, then they’re treated as pets.

    I read a post mentioning Bourdain spearing a pig and how it should’ve been knocked out first. Seriously?!?! As oppose to shooting an animal?? Think about how we hunted millions of years ago. There is no compassion when it comes to eating meat. That’s why there are vegetarians.

    BTW eating with his mouth open may be annoying if you were brought up to think that way.

  193. i’m also here after googling for “andrew zimmern eats loudly” or something like that.

    i like the show. i actually really like him — yes, more than bordain. but i cannot stand how he eats. i make my boyfriend mute the TV half the time.

  194. yzavela narvaez’ posted: “I would kiss him at ALL!!!!”

    yzavela narvaez’, would you care to complete the sentence? you would kiss him at ALL costs? you would kiss him at ALL functions? picnics, appeareances?

    girl, go on and kiss him, i’m sure he’s interstested

  195. given that the comment thread started in 2007 and it’s june 2010 now AND HE’S STILL ON THE AIR, it would appear that those of you who wanted the travel channel to replace zimmern, are in the minority. watch something else if you don’t like him. perhaps you can find the galloping gourmet on Utube lol

  196. Linguist… What I meant to say was that I wouldn’t kiss him at all for eating all that digusting food. Number one it’s none of yor buisness how I write my sentences and number two why don’t you kiss him after he eats the insides of a fried hissing roach or the insides of a pig or cow. RAW!!!

  197. I find it hilarious that Andrew fans come to this thread to tell us that if we dont like the show we shouldn’t watch it…OK makes sense, see if you can finish this sentence: if you don’t like this thread…
    I like the show’s format I just don’t like him. Last week in one episode he spitted out something he got from a vendor right in front of the vendor. It reminded me of an episode of No Reservations in which a street vendor in China didn’t want to sell food to Anthony and I was wondering why she was being so rude. After seeing AZ spitting the food in front of the person who made it, I understood and imagined how many other ignorant tourist had done the same.

  198. Good God Amen!!!
    Thank you for this blog, I am relieved to know that others are driven to frantic horror by the fat one’s egregious lip smacking. After 6 months away from TV (Thailand, remote islands) I returned to find that it seems the Travel Channel has figured out this smacking thing is unacceptable as well. It seems the recent BIzarre Foods episodes have really cut out the gut-wrenching sounds, at least most of them. I propose however that the older episodes be edited to remove those offending sounds. Perhaps if they covered of the smacking with the bleeps used for obscenities it could be almost humorous.
    Apart from the smacking, I would like TC to entirely remove every occurence of the word “extraordinary” from the show originating from Mr. Zimmern’s mouth. This continual reminder of his dilettantish pseudo-education is so annoying he does nothing more than insult every segment of his audience.
    If he tried less to pretend he is something more than a foppish comical oaf he would be far more acceptable.
    As for his shocking lack of respect for the cultures unfortunate enough to be subjected to his ignorance, what can we expect? I believe he is popular because those who enjoy him see him as that punk kid who never grew up. I’m sure he is not aware of it but he wouldn’t be able to come up with true respect for others because he obviously never cultivated the capacity for empathy and respect in his (presumably) spoiled and protected upbringing.
    So Travel Channel attempts (and fails) to find some more Bourdain type entertainment to fill in the hours.
    Unfortunately, most potential hosts with the Bourdain’s requisite life experience would probably not be up for the grueling globe-trotting and culinary experimentalism that makes No Reservations the special classic it is.
    Here’s hoping for a better substitute in the future, and for more Anthony Bourdain!

  199. Dont worry people by the looks of the foods that he does eat he will be infested with colon cancer in about five years.

  200. “Good God Amen!!!
    Thank you for this blog, I am relieved to know that others are driven to frantic horror by the fat one’s egregious lip smacking. After 6 months away from TV (Thailand, remote islands) I returned to find that it seems the Travel Channel has figured out this smacking thing is unacceptable as well. It seems the recent BIzarre Foods episodes have really cut out the gut-wrenching sounds, at least most of them. I propose however that the older episodes be edited to remove those offending sounds. Perhaps if they covered of the smacking with the bleeps used for obscenities it could be almost humorous.
    Apart from the smacking, I would like TC to entirely remove every occurence of the word “extraordinary” from the show originating from Mr. Zimmern’s mouth. This continual reminder of his dilettantish pseudo-education is so annoying he does nothing more than insult every segment of his audience.
    If he tried less to pretend he is something more than a foppish comical oaf he would be far more acceptable.
    As for his shocking lack of respect for the cultures unfortunate enough to be subjected to his ignorance, what can we expect? I believe he is popular because those who enjoy him see him as that punk kid who never grew up. I’m sure he is not aware of it but he wouldn’t be able to come up with true respect for others because he obviously never cultivated the capacity for empathy and respect in his (presumably) spoiled and protected upbringing.
    So Travel Channel attempts (and fails) to find some more Bourdain type entertainment to fill in the hours.
    Unfortunately, most potential hosts with the Bourdain’s requisite life experience would probably not be up for the grueling globe-trotting and culinary experimentalism that makes No Reservations the special classic it is.
    Here’s hoping for a better substitute in the future, and for more Anthony Bourdain!

    Great post

  201. I just heard my feelgood quote for today:

    “Come on Dania – Zimmern’d be all over

    this like Catherine Zeta-Jones on a curly

    fry; you’d hear the lip smacking four

    blocks away!”

    (Tony to his “guide” Dania (After she

    balked at a plate of stewed sheep

    hooves) in Riyadh.)

    (No Reservations Season 4 Epsode

    13:Saudi Arabia, 13:37)

    Long live Tony!
    Season 8 starts tonight!

  202. WOW! I’m flabbergasted on how many people are bashing Andrew Zimmern’s show? The man is amazing and no-one else can describe the foods which he eats in the way in which he does! What is up with “American’s” dude? Everyone here in the states love to watch rude and obnoxious people? Andrew Zimmern has grace and he understands the values of “other cultures!” Stop the hate already! The man is amazing and he is not going anywhere! I am really surprised, I thought everyone enjoyed him just as much as I do!

  203. Thank you for a much-needed laugh, author.

    I call AZ lipsmacking his “foodgasm” face and it quite literally makes me cringe. But if I happen to stumble upon the show, God help me, I can’t stop watching.

    I have a weakness for bald guys who are a bit thick around the middle, too, but AZ has almost ruined that one for me.


  204. I am so glad that people feel the way I do about this irrogant pig that has no manners at all. He shows people that he likes the food but then say’s things are foul! he just loves to be the center of attention and graves it! I wish they had a new host because I like the show but hate him so much! I wish he could just see what we are seeing and how foolish he acts and looks! go away!!!

  205. Well, I just finished a long day of hard work (building a deck in my back yard) and I must admit that while cutting and nailing I did a lot of thinking about this blog and my feelings about AZ and his show.
    I posted a comment a few weeks ago, but today I realized I hadn’t read the other comments on this site.
    So I just did. Yeah, all of them.
    And I see that pretty much everything I said has already been said about 50 times.
    I also see a fair amout of AZ fans coming to this post to stick up for Lord Egregious.
    Having digested all the previous comments, I feel I can perhaps synthesize them with my own thoughts into what I hope will allow me to purge myself of this Zimmern poisoning.
    First, why am I here, since had I simply switched off after the first stomach-wrenching bout of dueling lips, teeth, and tongue, I would never have developed this mild obsession with our mutual annoyance.
    Now I think I see what is bothering me about this whole thing. I am a tour escort, guiding 50+ foreign tourists at a time aroung the U.S. on two week long visits to various parts of our beautiful country. When my season is over, I leave the country to travel to places everywhere around the globe that I think will be interesting, different, and fulfilling.
    I am also a foodie; I love cooking, and I love eating. I will try (almost) anything once.
    When I take my tourists around, who are mostly French groups, I get to watch them react to our culture, or lack thereof, and our popular “cuisine” (definitely lack thereof). There is no group so proudly capable of being disdainful, judgemental, and rude, as the French. I know this to be true, as a basic part of my job, but it is a fact the french themselves have told me again and again; they know they are peceived that way and are proud of their famously snobby ways:
    “Beh oui – on est con parfois, qu’est-ce que tu attends? On est Francais”.
    (“Yes – we can be assholes – but what do you expect? We are French” .)
    Fair enough – and they have reason to be in many cases when it comes to sneering at (some) americans.
    I lived in Europe 11 years, including 5 years in France, and I have to admit that in general the way americans eat is on a very basic, rudimentary level compared to many other cultures. When I bring the French to a buffet retaurant (tour operators usually send them to buffets as often as possible because of the price and the time factor) they often look bemusedly at the overkill, and especially at the large percentage of grossly obese americans with their groaning plates, with abject horror.
    Then it gets worse. They get to see these fatties haul themselves out of their chairs, leaving their plates mostly uneaten, in order to get in line again in order to bring back yet another overladen platter of grub to pick at and eventually abandon.
    This sort of scene is not normal in the real (otutside) world. It places me in an awkward position when my charges ask me to explain this behavior.
    What can I say?
    “Well, we have more than you, and we love to chronically overeat and to waste food on a grand scale”
    Having spent about half of the last 20 years overseas, I find myself more and more embarassed about the shenanigans americans get up to on their own turf. But what is worse, some of them travel, and they don’t know how to stop it when they’re “outside their house” .
    Is it any wonder we are frequently derided, and negatively viewed, by “the rest of the world”. I’ve heard I shouldn’t care, and that if other people don’t like how we act it’s “tough shit”.
    That is just the kind of thinking that keeps our bad rep going. Many americans travel and behave normally, i.e. not like ugly americans. One never notices them, as they dont force people to notice them by misbehaving. But many do misbehave. And that brings us to the subject at hand.

    Andrew Zimmern sums up the “Bad Ambassador” american perfectly. He is traveling to far off, intriguing lands, doing what would for most be some serious fantasy travel. And getting to eat some very interesting food.
    However, a bloated phallus in a neon short sleeved shirt eating everyday food would probably be not only unappealing, but ratings poison. But what if we think bat to Rat Boy in 4th grade, the smelly kid who didn’t mind doing the grossest thing imaginable on a bet, or a dare?
    He did it because for a mini-Warholian minute, he was famous, and like it or not, no one could resist watching him eat that lizard. Even the girls, who might cover their eyes but would watch through their fingers.
    Segue to the present, and we have Rat Boy all grown up. Or should I say enlarged. He has retained the immaturity, simply changed size. And we are still watching, even if only through our fingers. But now he’s not just grossing out the 4th grade class, he is appearing as a star surrounded by cameras to peoples around the globe, and is (presumably) unknowingly insulting people of diverse cultures wherever he goes. From pulling faces to issuing cutting asides, to direct commentary on his disgust for people’s everyday fare of necessity, he leaves peoples who knew little of America with a lingering aftertaste of, well, distaste.
    My favorite AZ behaving badly moment was the big ‘thank you and goodbye” scene after several days filming with a San bushmen tribe in the Kalahari in Namibia. Earlier, one tribal feast saw the people opening one of the few termite mounds on their territory (in AZ’s honor) for a grand protein feast of termites and their larvae. Another day he was taken to set traps with the natives, and later when he found a trap with a pitifully scrawny hornbill ensnared, he puffed up and boasted “Great hunter” to the disgust of the real hunters. He was given the best part of that tiny bird while the rest of the tribe dreamed wistfully of those termites…
    A the goodbye speech the chief came close to Zimmern, and told him:

    What did the chief tell him?

    A. You should lose some weight.
    B. Love that Banana Republic Shirt.
    C. Can we eat at the catering table for a change?

    No, the one profound thing he took the time to tell our boy was, quite simply and concisely:

    (Translation): “You need to learn respect”

    Namibian tribal chief: 1
    Andrew Zimmern: Not a clue

    After being back in the U.S. for almost two months now, I had to ask myself today as I hammered: “Why do I still watch that show when it comes on at some random time? I realize I find some “Bizarre” comfort in the knowledge that as that show’s opening theme plays, I can do something else and watch the show halfway, tuning in if the locale or the food is particularly interesting.
    But I also know that inside I am getting ready for some colossal gaff, some hilariously embarrassing display of ignorance, some unforgivable faux pas, some mortifying mispronunciation.
    I must say, I do not look forward to the possibility of lip smacking. I have a real horror of it, due to a roommate from college. When ((if), it doesn’t happen absolutely every show, but more often than not) that horrible Smop Smop Smop starts (cheeks resonationg, teeth clacking together, lips exploding (with a sound reminiscent of that caricatured french waiter making a bottle-opening sound by popping his forefinger out of his closed lips) I invariably react uncontrolably, screaming “SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH!!” .
    My inability to refrain from this reaction troubles me, since I know in advance it will probably happen, but even if I tell myself I will not react, when it does happen it just comes out, loud, and I find myself thinking “next time I won’t do it…”
    My wife tells me I shouldn’t watch if it annoys me so much, and that is part of why I spent so much time thinking about it today, and reading the other comments.
    What has been bothering me is realizing that the Zimmern in indicative, even representative of us, a part of our gestalt, a slap in the face from the majority that are out there.
    I am frequently forced to explain to french people why a country that helped “save the world” in WWII and put men on the moon, elected (twice) the Bush. For them, a trip to the nearest Golden Corral all-u-can-eat is a good way to show that at least a fair pecentage of our population is not making the world’s Nobel candidates and Mr & Mrs Universe candidates) worry about extra competition.
    It is with a degree of embarassment I show visitors the smelly underbelly of this country, but with a great deal of pride I share with them the grand spectacle that is our great national park system, and our more positive man-made achievements. Even a Vegas-by-night tour is enough to make the most jaded tourist wide-eyed with amazement. A helicopter over the Grand Canyon and they’re crying- in a good way.
    And the next time I introduce them to fry bread when we’re visiting the Navajo nation, I’ll refrain from taking a big bite, smacking away, and proclaiming:
    “Chewy, yeasty, nutty- oh, this is just spectacular!”

    I believe there is a place for the Big AZ, just not in my world. I’ll see if I can refrain.

    My thanks to Michael, whose posts left me laughing out loud, twice:

    “I’m waiting for him to actually eat nuts to see the pained look on his face when he realizes he can’t describe them as “nutty”.


    (re. the tag line: “If it looks good, eat it!”):
    “The whole point of the show is that he eats things that look like demon shit, so tell me how that makes one ounce of sense”

    Hausfrau has coined an excellent term for AZ’s face as he smacks away:
    “Foodgasm”. Very nice. Shudder.

    Having come (I think) to the heart of the matter, I think I will be taking my wife’s advice, and let a dead horse lie.


    “Metally, pustular, horsey; that’s definitely got a lot of barnyard….”

    I have to laugh, for if not, I will cry.
    But for a whit of education, and a simple dose of good manners and courtesy, so might go I –

    “We must learn our history, or we are doomed to repeat it”

    Lets’s all try one new thing tomorrow, and see if we can learn something.

    “God bless us, every one”


  206. I cannot possibly describe the true, utter happiness I felt when I read this post. I stumbled across it after watching an episode of “Bizarre Foods,” where Zimmern traipsed through Russia smacking his lips like a madmen (though admittedly, that episode wasn’t as bad as others I’ve seen). Immediately after that was an episode of “No Reservations,” where Bourdain revisited a lot of the street foods he had come across on his travels (in fact, I’m still watching the episode right now). One of the clips was of his travels in Saudi Arabia, where at one point, trying to get his guide to eat a gelatinous peice of meat, he narated something along the lines of, “Oh come on! Zimmern would be all over that! You could hear his lips smacking from four blocks away!”
    I immediately decided that I loved this man even more now. Not only that, but I decided that maybe, just MAYBE, I’m not the only person who nearly pulls all her hair out when watching Zimmern cheerily slog his way through some foreign country. (For I, too, have always had a pet peeve, though that term may not accurately describe my annoyance/hatred, of noisy eaters/drinkers. My obsessiveness has often driven my family to the point of madness.) Thus, I decided to google “Andrew Zimmern Lip-Smacking.” Your blog was one of the first hits, and I must say, it is comforting and wonderful that I finally found that I’M NOT THE ONLY ONE!!
    I must also add that throughout the Russia episode, I too, was seriously contemplating sending a letter to the Travel Channel.
    Anyways, thank you. THANK YOU. For being AWESOME. It’s INCREDIBLE to finally find someone who AGREES. (With the whole Zimmern thing, yes, but mainly just with the eating noises thing.)

  207. The sight of Andrew Zimmern fills me with rage, more so than many other media personalities do. Mostly for one specific reason- what he represents. I am so sick of seeing food shows on the travel channel. Food already has its own network. The only show not about food (or sports) is Samantha Brown’s and all she does is go do some boring middle-aged lady things for a couple days. She reminds me of my grandma. What I want is more Anthony Bourdain-esque travel shows but with less food. Keep Zimmern and Matt on the FN.

  208. Made the mistake of not changing the channel after Samantha was over. Sat down by my computer to the sounds of soccer ball head eating chicken uterus, cowels and embryos. Please someone deliver us from this show. And yes I did change the channel. I don’t know what type of freak actually likes this guy, probably the same kind of people that decimated the buffalo and killed the last female rhino in Africa last week, just for her horn, while her calf cried. sick

  209. Jess: you do realise that matt and andy are friends dont you? his comments are in jest, poking fun at a friend, much like when I poke fun at my friend rod for saying things that really sound dirty or discussing(like when he says he wants to take a bite of a “juicy ass”….)

    and jess and others, if it bothers you that much, then either dont watch or mute it and enable subtitles, problem solved, im sure they dont subtitle the lipsmacking.

  210. Casey: honestly, the french are rude, but so are people from many other parts of the world, I use to work at a place where we saw alot of foreign visitors(people form allover the world)

    Have you ever seen the reaction of a native african to cheese for example?

    I watched a group of them try cheese(not knowing what it was) then when they found out what it was they started spitting and making rude comments and saying how discussing it was to eat “spoiled milk” .

    I have seen reactions such as that from people from various parts of the world to everyday foods americans eat(Some that I find nasty myself), they dont hide it, or if they even try(not very common, normally they are “rude” and comment how nasty it is).

    so saying andy is rude(he is) and acting like the rest of the world isnt(they are) is…stupid…..

    and i agree about people who load up their plates at buffets and never finnish stuff, I will admit I have been guilty of that, BUT never to the point where i left alot on the plate, most times its something i havent had b4 that i try and dont like that gets left, OR like last time i went to a buffet, the chicken livers where WAY TO DRY(over cooked as hell, like eating compressed sawdust)

    and Americans as bad as we are, arent the only fat ones anymore, our plauge is spreading(thanks mcdonalds!!!)

  211. Just because we don’t like it, doesn’t mean we haven’t seen it at a time when we weren’t aware of how bad the show was.
    And if we’ve seen it, I feel we have the right to criticize however we want.

    Besides, you know those things that are an absolute trainwreck, but you just can’t seem to tear your eyes away away?
    Sometimes it’s like that.

  212. i would check your cable/sat box and check if you can block just that show, many cable boxes/sat boxes allow you to selectively block shows.

  213. Andrew is very informative and humorous- my family enjoys the show. I feel like I’ve experienced some world traveling when watching Andrew”s show, and he’s not at all afraid of people places, and things. His friendliness is very sincere and fun to observe. I hope we can experience different cultures and food like Andrew. And I think he’s cute! PS I also enjoy Anthony’s show too- His dry sense of humor is cool!

  214. Which show you like to watch tells a lot about you. Anthony’s show hardly focuses on food or culture. When food does come up he barely talks about preparations or origins. He is scared to try the unusual. Air time is wasted on useless things like smoking pot and just today his show featured a strip club where he claimed something like “maybe I can get a prostate exam here.” Andrew Zimmern on the other hand shows a sincere interest in culture and the people he visits. He spends time getting to know them and taking part in food prep. Andrew is also fearless and funny simultaneously. He is always searching out new experiences to share. So, are you a pot head or an adventurer?

  215. Anthony is way cooler. Would rather hang out with the cool guy then the gut/intestine eater… just saying… :) <3 We Love You Anthony!

  216. Andrew Zimmern is a great host, and at least is respectfull of other cultures and beliefs, Anthony Bourdain is a rude, snotty jerk. I don’t watch his show anymore because of it. If you don’t like Andrew, WHY are you watching his show? Just to find something to snark about? Get a life.

  217. Ann, I agree with you on them not watching if they dont like the host, But I also feel that both AZ and AB at times arent as respectful of other cultures as they could be, I really dont think this is intentional, its just how people are, at times you KNOW the natives are fucking with AZ, like having him eat a bores anus…(they where laughing their asses off that he actually aite it…)

    I find neither of them offencive, but then again, im far more thick skinned then most people, and I know how to make fun/laugh at myself and my own culture….many people cant and dont.

  218. Azure: I agree they mess with him. They give him the crap even the old grannies do not eat anymore. I wonder if he is even aware that he is eating leftover garbage half the time. Lol – good post!

  219. Kofi, I have seen him thank people, many times when hes handed the item, I have also seen AB and AZ both be a bit….rude about what they are given, but again, it depends on your cultural view, From my experience Americans arent ever the most polite about other cultures but they are rarely the rudest about them either, that is the French, Germans and Croatians, they tend to be quite rude and insulting about other cultures(french are the worst…)

    croatians and other people from that part of the world can also be quite rude, some are just far more blatant about it, I have worked with people form around the world, the ones who are calis and rude and know they are being that way are far more offensive to me then those who are unintentionally rude as I see both AZ and AB being most of the times they come off that way, now, they both at times are a bit more blatant about it, AB can be quite rude at times(his comments on Scandinavia episode for example…)

    AZ comes off to me, like that quirky uncle type(as you and others have mentioned) who dosnt mean any harm or mean to upset or be rude to people, he just does it and most times dosnt even realize what hes said/done was offensive.

    can you say that you never/have never said or done anything that offended somebody?

    I know I offend people in one way or another at least a few times a week.

    I also feel that people need to grow thicker skin and be more honest with eachother and not get offended by stupid shit, I get so tired of watching people get into fights over STUPID stuff like being told by a friend that they are being a jerk…

    bloody fucking idiots….worlds full of them.

    when somebody tells me i have been a jerk or the like i do not get pissed off, they are welcome to their opinion, and sometimes I agree with them.

    In short I really do think the world would be a better place if people could be brutally honest with each other without getting upset over it, years ago I came to the conclusion that I would be honest with my friends to the point of sometimes coming off as rude jerk, Sure I lost a few friends over it, but I also gained alot of respect because I dont pussyfoot around peoples feelings.

    blah, post already to long….. in short Fu*k political correctness, just be honest!!!

  220. Azure: I like your style. I used to be so sensitive about other people’s feelings, then you realize you are not doing them any favors by not being honest. Both shows are “o.k.”, AZ just comes across as that uncle you avoid at the family get togethers lol.

  221. I only tend to avoid my mothers fathers side of the family, and thats because enlarge they are a bunch of racist idiots, they disown people for marring philipino’s or koreans(no joke) its sad…..really hillbilly attitudes alot of them have…glad the other side of the fam is so open that they dont care what you look like, smell like or whatever, as long as your family :)

  222. I like AZ and his show; think it is complimentary to AB’s. That said I think Mike Richard is the worst kind of jerk, a fake. First, I don’t care for the multiple picayune negative critiques of the show that had nothing to do with what it is supposed to be and what it accomplishes. Secondly, I disliked even more the personally petty attacks on AZ. Then I realized that only a coward poses for a photo that is supposed to represent him with a glass of booze covering his face. After reading that column I was left thinking that anyone can criticize anything whether or not they have any credentials, much less taste. How does it feel, MR?

  223. rude and disgusting! i hate when he eats with his fingers and then shakes them to get whatever grossness is left. he actually did that in someones home kitchen! if he is sharing with someone they get the finger crumbs he shakes back onto the food. ick

  224. I never noticed the smacking, but, the reason I found this was my own pet peeve. Its the way he often takes a bit of food from a communal-type serving, stuffs it into his maw, then shakes the crumbs from his pudgy fingers RIGHT INTO THE REST OF THE FOOD! ARRRGGG! One time I swear the other people sitting on the floor with him looked so mortified I bet they stopped eating right then and did not invite him back! Ugly American indeed!

  225. I think that the person who wrote this and the people who agree are stupid. You get mad because of someones lip smacking? Yea I bet you guys are little miss perfect and don’t do anything wrong right? Before you go off pointing fingers make sure your own hands are clean so stop being sissies and get over it. You either watch the show or not but don’t talkcrap to it. And about your picture dude what’s up with it you don’t even have the balls to show your full face?? Thats nice really. I think that your just probably jelous that you can never be as successful as him weather he’s ugly or not lol sucks for you

  226. Kofi,
    Just curious about something too, are you a guy or a girl? Cause it can really fool you? & your not making any sense.

  227. Karen: I forgot grammar, and yes, it matters! Otherwise you get people saying things like “have a good rest of the day.” Eventually we’ll all be speaking like cavemen again and wandering off topic.

    Thank you for asking. Have a nice day.

  228. Cadmo, the thing is, language is an ever evolving thing, new words enter the lexicon of the english(and every other active language) early, If that bothers you, feel free to go back to speaking Shakespearian English or Latin or some older form of language.

    Grammar and spelling are not all that important online, the main issue is people being able to get their point across in an effective manner, sure bad grammar can cause problems with that, but so can poor word choice, and poor word choice can happen in perfectly formed sentences, I had an English teacher in collage that spent a whole week on this subject.

    A bad choice of words/wording can convey the wrong impression or message all together, and depending on where you are from the same sentence can have drastically different meanings, try going from the south to the north in the states or east coast to west cost, or southeast to northwest or southwest to northeast, you will find that people say things that sound quite odd to you, and you say things that sound quite odd to them.

    hell got to the UK, note: if somebody mentions a “Fag” its a cigarette not a gay man.

  229. …or a flaming ember. Thanks for pointing out the regional differences in dialect.

    Politically correct speech has already destroyed much in our culture, especially our backbone (as its unstated purpose). It falls to each of us to protect the language if we know how, not to forgive sloppiness.

    Now, smart phones keyboards advance that deterioration and pile onto poor public education. M T V brought us a subculture who’s dress code requires their private parts to hold up their pants, and I liken that to said sloppiness.

    No doubt you can find many things that I say to be poorly worded, spelled, or punctuated, but lack of perfection does not require bailing out.

  230. Also, thanks for permission to speak shakespearean: Thou saucy unchin-snouted joithead! You might remember that brevity is the soul of wit.

  231. I have given up on “dress code” stuff, I was in jr.high when sagging first came into vogue, and I think its as stupid today as it was back then, but I also dont think its my place to tell others how they should dress, if they want to look like a fool then thats their choice.

    what gets to me is these teen/tween girls who are over devloped for their age(they sure didnt look like that when i was in jr.high/highschool) who are dressing more and more like adults(see slutty club girls)

    I cant even go into the mall alone without having at least 1 of them try and get me to buy her stuff….random admittedly cute girl(see jailbait) flerting with me to try and get me to buy her stuff…….no….just…NO….

    Tho unlike many Americans I also blame some of that SHIT on your religion driven legal system, Theres is a reason the groups who originally founded this country where driven out of the UK/EURO nations, its their prudish puritan values and their insistence that their way was the only way(they havent changed much have they?)

    bah, just bah…..when i get started talking about this shit, I get annoied to no end at how stuff from hundreds of years ago is STILL effecting our culture in horrible ways.

    OH, little note, you shouldn’t be trying to protect “American English” if you really care about protecting the English language you should be trying to get Americans to switch over to British English, american english is even more of a mess then british english….and thats sad because english as a whole is a horrible language(written) full of stuff like

    phone(fone) where it makes no sense why its spelled that way, but it is because we mixed french and every other language’s trates into english from the start…bah bah bah

  232. Why do you tell me not to try to promote standards when, in your opening statement, you said “I don’t think its my place to tell others how they should dress”; it’s the same thing. (Suggest you help the saggers by embarrassing them in public–remember, backbone.) Now I must tell you to be consistent.

    English is indeed a composite of many influences and indeed why it has so many inconsistencies (like your several passages). Food/foot/boot, cough/cuff/calf. Makes little sense to the uninitiated but we know better, or should! Think of it this way, if a person learning English stumbled upon our online exchanges and tried to reconcile the inaccuracies of the hastily composed paragraphs, what new impression might he have of this language regarding consistency (remember punctuation, spelling, and grammar)? His job is hard enough without us making it worse. I know, I know, it’s just online jibber jabber.

    Really…you have suggested that I do at least two ridiculous things today: adopt Shakespeare as my model for speech, and, to convince my fellow citizens to speak like that cultured robot in Star Wars. C’mon!

    Since you brought it up, there is a very good reason we have a moral compass in our “religion driven legal system” as you put it. A government powerful enough to grant you basic human rights can and will take them away, as it wishes. The bigger the government the smaller the citizen. I think you should point your verbal finger elsewhere if you want to take jabs at theocracies–been through airport security lately? There’s a new spin on religion in government, and it is sure as hell not the religion of the American Pilgrim.

    But what’s all this have to do with Andrew?

    Dalton (Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.) (the bigger the government the smaller the citizen)

  233. Wow, this thread is more than three years old, and still going!

    I just wanted to let everyone here know that I like Andrew Zimmern. I like his down-to-earth, unpretentious approach. I enjoy his goofy sense of humor. Watching his show can always cheer me up. And I’d love to sit at an open-air table with him and try some bull testicles. I remember him saying they were sort of creamy.

    He’s the happy, successful underdog. Sometimes he says the wrong thing. Yes, he can be awkward. And you know what? That’s what I like about him. He’s human. What is up with all of you putting him down because he’s FAT, calling him a “pig”, “bloated”, and worse? Frankly, I find your insults way more immature and mean-spirited than anything Andrew has done on Bizarre Foods. (Do you have no family members or friends with a few extra pounds?)

    By the way, I’m no rural Midwesterner – I’m a late-20s city girl from California.

    P.S. Stocky guys rock.

  234. Andrew is a hoot. He’s entertaining, articulate and in spite or his egregeous lip smacking, still smartly educational about the local cultures cuisine. Aside from all this he’s laughing all the way to the bank.

  235. Zimmerman is a waste of space on the Travel channel. Between him and Adam Richman, they have ruined the channel. Playing to the lowest common IQ, the Travel Channel has nothing but sensationalist crap on in prime time.

    Why must he insist on saying “I’m a Jewish boy from Brooklyn” on every show. I mean, who gives a shit? Is that fact supposed to impress is or make me laugh? I could not imagine a producer allowing a host to refer to himself as “a Protestant boy from Atlanta”. Why the double standard?

  236. Good God, spot on. The amount of fail that comes from this single person is astounding.

    Yes there is the lip smacking, the waving and pointing of fingers at the dining table, the honky voice that simply was NOT designed to be narrative, the overdone vocabulary, the MISINFORMATION>>>this is why quality is favored over quantity: just because someone has talked for over 5 minutes doesn’t mean they will say something of actual value. And no, saying any word that ends in “ly” will NOT get you anywhere- fatty, sugary, gamy, just STFU.

    And then there is his looks…notice how I had to start an entire new paragraph for this single aspect since I dont want any of the previously covered material to hold any baring on what I am about to say. Andrew Zimmern has to be worst “thing” (and I use that term loosely; I doubt that the laws of nature would allow it to be called something as much as an actual “thing”) that has ever disgraced a camera. The overtightened bright colored clothing that screams “stereotypical yankee tourist”, the snaggle-teeth, the bulging eyes. The GODDAMN BULGING EYES…that he purposely widens into thinking that the audience might actually take him seriously. I shave my head so I have nothing against being bald, but the roundness of his head that comes from being bald only sharpens his unnaturally large pointy snout of a nose. Basically every chance he takes in becoming an eyesore, he takes it.

    But by far the worst thing about this guy is his consistent effort into making himself out to be something special- “Real-eaters food, hardcore-foodie, food-fanatics, professional-eater like myself” and yes dear reader, those are in fact words uttered by one of your fellow human beings. Eating things that the shallow palette of US culture deems bizarre does not make you talented, nor does it take any credible skill. The blatant hypocrisy is so brutal, its actually amazing. Bizarre? Why would you call it “bizarre” when your message is “See? They eat it, so why not you?” You couldn’t possibly cancel yourself out even further Mr. Zimmern.

  237. And I reiterate:

    What is up with all of you putting him down because he’s FAT, calling him a “pig”, “bloated”, and worse? Frankly, I find your insults way more immature and mean-spirited than anything Andrew has done on Bizarre Foods. (Do you have no family members or friends with a few extra pounds?)

  238. Mateo: and it takes talent to tare somebody down as you have just done?

    To insult and belitter them for being fat and enjoying what they do for a living?

    Im sorry Mateo but your post comes off as nothing more to me then hate filled bile soaked in the venom of hate and possibly even jelocy that he can make a living eating things most Americans and even Europeans/Australians wouldnt eat.

    Sure its not a talent, I could say its some what of a skill tho, because I have seen him eat some pretty vial stuff without flinching, where as I would have a hard time touching some of it(rotten meat in that one mid east episode….yuck) let alone grabing a hunk and tossing it in my gob and actually eating it…

    and I agree and will reiterate what Alexis_purple said

    “What is up with all of you putting him down because he’s FAT, calling him a “pig”, “bloated”, and worse? Frankly, I find your insults way more immature and mean-spirited than anything Andrew has done on Bizarre Foods. (Do you have no family members or friends with a few extra pounds?)”

    being a “fat fuck” myself I find it pretty sad how people judge others solely based on their weight and appearance.

  239. I feel like every comment on here that compliments Zimmern is actually made by Zimmern himself or someone being paid to say nice things…

  240. Pingback: Fresh From Twitter
  241. I love “Bizarre Foods” and I really love Andrew Zimmern as the host. However, I do agree with you about the lip smacking thing. What annoys me more is that he loves to chew with his mouth open. I was taught never to chew with my mouth open at an early age when my mom use to yell at me across the dinner table for being uncouth and gross. I wish my mother was around to tell Andrew the same thing. I am glad that Andrew Zimmern takes the time to tell viewers what exotic food he’ll be eating and more importantly how it tastes! I enjoy his enthusiasm with trying new foods and I don’t understand why you mistake that for “whoopedeedoo”, whatever the hell that means. And, yeah, he does tell the viewers whether he likes a particular food or not, just like Anthony Bourdain. I hope you will continue to watch “Bizarre Foods’ and will one day learn to appreciate Andrew Zimmern’s enthusiasm and adventurous spirit, and ….. well, just ignore the lip smacking, chewing thing, ’cause, yeah, it is kinda gross.

  242. I can’t believe you would even mention Andrew Zimmern in the same sentence with Anthony Bourdain! Mr. Zimmern truely love trying new and crazy foods. But above that he is an amazing liason for the United States. He is kind, and generous and it a wonderful example of how one schould treat people that he doesn’t know. He is miles ahead of Anthony Bourdain who is arrogant, pompous and seems to enjoy putting someone down to make himself look better. I am proud that Andrew Zimmern represents the kinder people of the United States to the world!!!!!!

  243. Jane Ann, you are severely out-of-touch with reality. Andrew Zimmerman in laughing stock of stereo-typed Americans. He is exactly what people in other countries sees as what’s wrong with us “arrogant and pompous”.
    How many times has AZ spit-out food that was generously offered, often times where they don’t have much to offer to begin with.
    How many times has AZ jumped to hug the nice woman who cooked the meal? The look on their faces when this huge white blubbering gringo hugs them without asking. He doesn’t seem to “get” that in other countries and cultures, personal contact/space, especially with the opposite sex is very complex and yet, he is oblivious to this. At least Bourdain thanks people in their native language.

    Oh, a

  244. I hope The Travel Channel NEVER cancels AZ’s show. I think AZ is extremely kind, caring, nonpompous, nonarrogant, enthusiastic, & most entertaing. I also feel AZ would be alot of fun to hang out with, unlike the feeling I get with AB. Maybe it’s AB’s behaviour that gives foreigners a bad taste of our nation. Personally, I’d love to stuff myself in one of his suitcases & follow AZ around the world.
    Maybe viewers like the differences between AZ & AB.
    I hope AZ doesn’t read the negatve remarks on this board.

    I like both shows!

  245. I hope you don’t go along when he eats unhatched fully developed live birds and crunches them and goobles them in your face. ewwwwww.

    And yes, I am a vegetarian.


  246. If you don`t like Andrew , why do you continue to watch him. Change the channel. I enjoy watching both him and Anthony. Not everyone has to like and watch whatever YOU do. TURN IT OFF OR CHANGE THE CHANNEL.

  247. Andrew Zimmern is the best. His show is infinitely more entertaining than bad boy rebel Anthony Bourdain’s. A.Z. has so much more charisma and character than Mr. Too Cool To Care. I do have to admit, the lip smacking is very prevalent, but I think it’s there to provide the audience with a sense of the texture and consistency of the food, so I am glad that he practically has a microphone on the inside of his mouth. I think IIDMII said it best with his comment, Andrew Zimmern 4 LIFE!

    By the way Mike, we know what Rhode Island is.

  248. You are ridiculous…..the show is called BIZARRE FOODS……its about the FOOD… want a travel/culture show, then just watch Bourdain or watch Rick Steves or something along those lines. Andrew is funny and entertaining, very likeable and has a “lets do it” personality. While I like Bourdain very much, he’s totally negative and can be pompous

  249. wow….almost four years and ppl are still commenting…..this guy must be on fire!

    ***on a rather silly note: yay! I’m the last person to comment!!

  250. So glad to know no listened to this jerk. Go AZ! Serg is also right, somewhat. Some people may know where RI is, but who care? Its not like its has any importance.

  251. what gets me is that eye roll when he eats something he likes. Is it really that good? Would someone nearby please slap him upside the head when he does that.

    Hey Andy, not having a neck is a sign that you enjoy food way too much. Really.

  252. What a bunch of whinny complainers. Did it occur to anyone that the show belongs to Andrew Zimmern, who successfully pitched it to the Travel Channel? They’ll only drop him if the ratings drop, which is unlikely. Are you going to force millions/billions of people to stop eating as is their custom? If it don’t look good to you, then don’t watch it!

  253. i love andrew, i am part of the public, and i do not want his show to ever end! theres a fan site but i couldnt stop my self from defending andrew!!! **** U!!!!!!!!!!!

  254. I really like both shows for different reasons. I really like Anthony Bourdain because it is a little less centered around food and I feel like he experiences a little more non-food culture. Andrew Zimmern however is a little more centered around food culture and the cuisine of the particular area he is in. I personally wouldn’t really compare the two apples to apples although I can definitely see why someone would.

  255. I’ll sum this up for everyone. Andrew Zimmern in a douche! Enough said? He also rips off Anthony Bourdain’s show every chance he gets, but that just adds to his douchieness.

    Case in Point. Compare his Sinagapore show to Anthony Bourdain’s. AZ almost completely and totally ripped off the other show scene by scene.

    Get him that douche off the air!!!!!!

  256. I used to try to give AZ a chance once in a while, (love Tony btw) but everytime I would have to run away due to the gross and graphic nature of this show. Anything would be better than this. Feed the orphans cooking channel anyone???



  257. that eyeroll thing he does when he eats something. how he calls it “fabulous” or “fantastic” when he hasn’t even tasted it yet. just makes you wanna back hand him on the side of the head.

    he doesn’t realize all of this is what makes him a walking walrus.

  258. I generally like Andrew. But, like everyone else, I could do without the jaw popping and lip-smacking, but what really got me was when he ate Minke whale. I think he was in Iceland, but with whales being slaughtered at an alarming rate by the Japanese, I think he could have been a bit more sensitive to the whale plight.

  259. dc: That is my main problem with the guy also. With so many species dying at an alarming rate, it is not a healthy genre to see a human just devouring rare and exotic creatures “for the fun of it.” sigh…

  260. Even though AZ eats it on television, I can guaranty that 90% of the people who watch it, would even dare to attempt it. I have watched both Bizarre Foods and No Reservations and to say that they are both the same is ignorant. Anthony Bourdain’s show is about the countries culture, he goes in depth about it. while Andrew Z.’s show is about the exotic foods in the country. Also, about his eating habbits, I can say that to anyone who pays attention to the unimportant aspects of the show should just not watch it. As for me, it doesn’t bother me. I’m asian and most of the things he eats intrigues me. I’m not saying that all asians eat wierd food, but I can say that we are somewhat more accustomed to it. So, to all of the AZ haters, please just stick to other shows on the travel channel, if AZ got the boot I can hardly imagine anyone else being able to take his spot.

  261. I think he’s ok. I personally think he does a lot of cultural things that if it was someone else, would be offensive to other people.

    Also, what I think is weird is how he goes to Asia a lot? WTF? What makes it so great? I’m assuming he goes there mainly for the whores.

  262. Tecpaocelotl Asia is a common target for shows like this because they tend to not only have very old food cultures, but also have alot of things that westerners find…weird(for lack of a better term)

    not saying he dosnt like the azn hookers, he very well may, but there is a reason that you see alot of shows about food endup in asia.

    oh and on top of that, it tends to be pretty cheap compared to more western areas ;)

  263. Edifying to find another person who is driven to violence by his(or anyone elses I will assume) constant cacaphony eminating from his pie hole…and I think I am actually using that term correctly for maybe the first time. Thank you…that idiot is on my kitchen TV right now and I cannot find the freekin remote.

  264. I’m glad to hear I’m not alone in Harboring psychotic hatred of Zimmern’s lip smacking and I do think the chewing sounds and the close ups of this Buddha’s mouth, often wide open with greasy lips has got to stop.
    I just wish that someone who’s only contribution is to eat things for a living could do so without nauseating millions.
    The food and locations keep me interested and it’s usually worth tolerating the annoying host. This seems to be a reoccurring theme with TTC (Adam Richman.)

  265. I laughed so hard I cried when I read that article and letter. Mike, you are possibly the author of the most witty piece of writing I have ever read. If ever in west Texas, please stop in and drink a beer with me. Well done!

  266. you can tell andrew has fun. i like him. he seems like a good guy and its exciting to experience different food threw him. i dont realy like anthony bordain. Anthony Bourdain IS a pompous, pretentious with an exaggerate sense of his own importance. he dosnt seem approchable. i think andrew zimmern is an every man

  267. I appreciate those of you who can understand other cultures. No matter your history, Mr. Zimmern presents cultures that we, as Americans, cannot understand on the whole. He presents them in a way we can relate to, both in OUR food and OUR culture. VERY KNOWLEDGEABLE. Many of you are open minded to the fact; we are not the perfect culture……and respect Mr. Zimmern. I truly enjoy his show. Appreciate and accept our differences in culture.

  268. Finally! Other people that agree that Andrew eats like a total pig on his own show. I don’t get how he has had the show this long and no one oh his crew have thought to maybe mention this to him. I almost find it rude to some of the locals in the countries he visits.

  269. OMG, I hate this friggin show!!!!! It all started a year or two ago that the Travel Channel (I use that term lightly these days) started to morph into the Food Network, with all their food related shows now. I can’t stand it!!!! Bring back Samantha Brown or other TRAVEL based shows. This isn’t some food network, if I wanted to see a bunch of pudgy dudes eating food, I would opt for the food channels that cater to that.

    I miss the good ole Travel Channel that showed shows about traveling. It was nice to watch tv and escape my annoying little world where I live and to watch these mysterious and exotic locations. I know there were other people with travel related show before Samantha Brown but I barly remember them.

    I miss the travel information that was useful and the travel tips. I love how it showed the customs and culture of other countries. I just don’t and never will get used to AZ and that other annoying pudgy guy, Man VS Food show. They might as well put them on the Food Network together!!


  270. I wish they would cancel all those stupid little haunted ghostie shows. Samantha Brown is on some, also love $40 a day with Ray Ray.

  271. I agree. The man is a total pig. We have one just like him in our office and he also is disgusting. Lip smacking, talking with a full mouth, and a general mannerless slob. He belongs in my brother-in-laws pig sty.

  272. I haven’t read all the posts, so I apologize if someone has already mentioned this: It is ridiculous to say that the content of Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern is a “direct rip” of the content of Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations. Zimmern focuses almost exclusively on weird and gross food: insects; worms pulled from palm trees; Nicaraguan cheese infested with live maggots; teriyaki tarantulas; stinky tofu; organ meats; animal genitalia; etc. Can you honestly say that Bourdain focuses on the same kind of thing? He clearly doesn’t. Bourdain focuses on ordinary food from other cultures that most people would like to eat (usually). This whole discussion was started with a false premise.

  273. Tony I agree with you 100% these 2 shows are no were near the same thing and I love Andrew Zimmern. With the original post he was talking about how Andrew waste’s air time by describing the food’s he is eating I don’t think so. I am a cook and I love the fact that he does this because now there are a few things I wouldn’t mind trying that I would never have touched before. Personally I don’t like Anthony Bourdain I think dull and drab and he comes across as being a bit stuck up and to be honest I’m surprised he hasn’t insulted some of the people he has been around.

  274. You people are so arrogant and the fact that you all don’t have respect for different cultures is just a shame. I like Andrew Zimmerin and the fact that you don’t like the host is just plain stupid. Let me tell you one thing if you don’t like trying new exotic foods then you shouldn’t be watching the show and bad mouthing Andrew Zimmerin and he has been a chef in Minneapolis and has even won the James beard award, so you can’t really complain about that. I know Andrew and Anthony Bourdian might have different styles of hosting, but I love both shows. About Animal cruelty, this isn’t a show that caters to people who are vegetarians and that are a part of grassroots campaign, again you need to respect different cultures? Look I would even eat some of the foods that Andrew Zimmerin has tried.

  275. I’m sorry to come off as a little rude but you people need to get a grip that even though you might not be to found of the exotic foods that are shown on tv, you need to have respect for other cultures and this is called tolerance and being open minded!

  276. Andrew Zimmern is talented, educated, and personable and is an amazing culinary expert and show host. His adventurous nature is incredible, and I would love to have his job. We’re all entitled to our own opinions, and we should respect each other as such…not that it will ever happen, but we can all keep the faith.

  277. Hey kofi first of all the person who you are referring to which is Andrew Zimmerin isn’t paying me to voice my honest oppionion and second of all you are just as rude and arrogant as what the first person said about how bad Zimmerin is. Like I said to the people like yourself that are rude and arrogant need to respect other cultures and need to stop bad mouthing Andrew Zimmerin. Here’s a question I’m going to ask you: why are you apart of this picking group and who is paying you to talk negatively about Zimmerin. if u don’t like the show don’t watch it. That’s all I have to say.

  278. I am sorry Chris. I was being rude. I just get confused when people go on the Hate Zimmern Blog that like him. I am truly sorry if I was mean.

    Bows graciously,

    Picks up slim Samsonite briefcase wearing newly pressed grey suit, smartly tips fedora, and disappears into the mist.

  279. I thought the hate was mostly due to people who where raised to be totally intolerant of lip smacking as a cultural thing.

    some of you should note that lip smacking if considered polite in some cultures, but so is burping to show you enjoyed the meal, so if anything you are quite intolerant of other cultures if you get all offended by such things.

    AZ may joke about some stuff, like eating the anus of a bore/pig, but at least he had the respect to actually eat it, rather then doing what most westerners would do and refuse, he may have made faces and such, but thats entertainment to some of us, and the people in his show are compensated (food/money/exct) so they have little reason to complain.

    I admit, lip smacking bothers some of my own family, where My mind has learned to just ignore it because of all the foreigners I have worked with over the years, the sames true for burping and many other things americans find rude…why get offended or upset when somebody isnt intending to offend of upset you?

    you CHOOSE to let lipsmacking bother you, YOU CAN CHOOSE TO NOT LET IT BOTHER YOU, just like you can choose to get angery over stupid shit both online and off, or you can choose to let most everything just wash over you without causing you anger or upset.

    I prefer to take the latter path when I can, there are times we all just “had enough” and blow up or have to do something.

    like for me, only blowup in a long time was when i watched a mother blow smoke in the face of her young child, not once, but over and over, i went over and told her to knock it off, she cursed at me and said it calmed the kid down….

    so i called the cops and they came over and had a talk with her, not sure if they took the kid but they should…i dont care if you wana smoke and kill yourself and cause yourself all sorts of medical issues from it, but dont do that to a person/child who cant choose to get away from it….

    how this relates to AZ and his show, well, if you really cant stand it, DONT WATCH IT, your cable/sat box should have a way to block it , do that, and be happy you wont be “forced” to deal with the heinous crime of lipsmacking!!!

  280. May there will be enough poor critters on the planet for next season?

    Stop overharvesting the oceans and the forest. Now.

  281. “Say NO to Travel Channel’s Bizarre Foods Show with Andrew Zimmern
    The IUCN RED list of endangered species is NOT a menu! Bizarre foods are one thing, eating creatures on the brink of extinction is quite another!The Travel Channel’s Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern & broadcasters in general need to be held accountable & …all sides of the “food” story needs to be told. In a perfect world we would all be vegan. let’s face it, the world is not perfect. While I realise that the show prmotes eating the dishes of different cultures, culture has been the long time crutch or excuse. 5,000 years ago was exactly that…5,000 years ago. We live in a different age & time where we have exploited our environment for far too long. When Mr. Zimmern slurps shark fin soup saying how delicious it is & how “good” it is for you… I have a huge problem with that. As someone who has worked in shark conservation for many years & who has worked tirelessly for legislation to protect them as well as spreading education & awareness about their plight, it is time to hold people accountable. Change begins with the viewers of this show.Call & write ….make your voice heard. What will be left for future generations if we do not act NOW? Please contact to express your disdain : Travel Channel Headquarters 5425 Wisconsin Ave Chevy Chase, MD 20815 301- 244-7500 Scripps Networks: Mailing Address: Scripps Networks P.O. Box 51850 Knoxville, TN 37950 Scripps Networks Main Campus Knoxville, TN Phone: 865.694.2700 Scripps Networks New York, NY Phone: 212.549.4488 Scripps Networks Los Angeles, CA Phone: 310.228.4540.” On Facebook:

    I quote this from the FB site.

  282. I say that i agree with the whole lip-smacking thing…. It’s unnecessary and gross, and he seems to do it shamelessly. But even worse than that, (which is very hard to top), is the fact that AZ is soooooo f-ing rude to the people that just shared a day out of their lives to impress this fat lump. He insults them with random little arrogant statements, effectively belittling what it is they are doing for him,….. but the worst is how, after a day of catering to the lump that is AZ, he’ll just walk away from them without even saying a sincere thank you, -just say something that he thinks is awesome to the camera as he walks out. Iv’e actually seen surprise in the people’s faces when he does this. (granted it could just be the shot that the editing room chooses to show, -EVERY TIME, and there may actually BE hugs and thank you’s), but iv’e seen the rudeness/bad manners in almost every episode. It just seems to me that overall, he has NO real semblance of grace, or appreciation. Iv’e given him many chances, but i leave every episode thinking either, “did he just say that?!”, or “did he just do that?!”, and usually both. He acts like he’s better than all the people he visits, and like he just deserves everything. If there was ever an episode that he sincerely thanked the indigenous people who served him before he walked out, I haven’t seen it. and please understand, that i had no preconceptions about the guy at first look, but iv’e probably seen 25-30 episodes, and his personality is a serious let down…… believe me when i say I DONT watch because of AZ. I love food, cooking it, watching people cook it, finding out whats out in the wide world, etc., but there absolutely HAS to be someone better for the job on Bizarre Foods than Adam. There HAS to be. -We all watch because the concept of the show is interesting, enough that i’ll watch 1 out of every 3 times i see it on, but i’m confident that i’d watch 3 out of 3 if there was a more graceful, respectful, and let’s face it, charismatic host. PLEEEEEEEASE Travel Channel!!……. PLEASE!

  283. response to AZURE SKY:
    this is an American Show. People who make shows, try to please the ones they make it for. The fact that many, many people have a problem with the lipsmacking, just shows our OWN culture. I don’t think is reasonable to ask viewers to just “decide” to be over something that annoys on such a deep level for some. Maybe you are just soooooo awesome that you can control everything in the world that affects you and HOW it affects you, but most people don’t want to be putting themselves in therapy just to watch a food show, let alone WHILE they’re watching it. The fact is that it’s annoying as hell (the lipsmacking), and there’s no real need for it. My problem with it is that it’s coming from someone that i already think is very rude and unappreciative. – you say the people are getting paid? maybe so. that doesnt excuse AZ’s terrible manners. I mean it’s not just some random thing that so many people can’t stand him. Go back to the convent so you can continue being perfect, and accepting of everything. I’m tryin to watch tv.

  284. again Clayton, whats rude to one culture is not rude to another, there are things I have personally seen done by for example some of my ex-gf’s families that would make many americans get up and start cursing as they walked out, where as the culture they came from, its considered normal and in no way ment to offend.

    Im hard to offend thankfully, and yes, you can choose to let something bother you or not, it takes effort at times, much like when a cop pulls you over for going 5mph over the speed limit and you want to curse them out but you dont.

    I never said I was perfect, but having worked in tech support and human relations jobs for much of my life I have learned some very important lessons, one is that you CAN CHOOSE WHAT YOU LET BOTHER YOU and what you let roll off you like water off a ducks back.

    AZ at times comes off as rude/arrogant, but so do most american tv personalities, and AB is if anything even more rude and snide, but alot of the people in this thread love him, I have worked with a few chefs and let me tell you, all head chef’s I have ever met are arrogant, as are most of the people who arent chef’s that run kitchens, its part of the culture and job (i have worked in a kitchen a good number of times) you have to just accept that most chef’s are more then a little arrogant, at least AZ trys to be nice, I have seen some of the out takes from his show, and a couple times the people where messing with him and found it very funny when he couldnt stomach something(example, due to editing the episode where he trys to eat durian, due to editing it looks like the guys offended, when in reality, in some of the edited stuff he was laughing, AZ tried more then once to get it down and couldnt, and people over there know durian is one of those things you either love or hate.(same with most of the weird shit AZ eats to be honest)

    I would agree, it would help if they would show that stuff at the end of each episode, or get better editing, and smack AZ around for some of the things hes done and how they come off, BUT on the whole, I enjoy the show.

    protip: if something about a show really bothers you as much as AZ’s personality and lipsmacking apparently do with alot of people here, then CHANGE THE CHANNEL or TURN THE TV OFF.

    nobody is forcing you to watch the show, infact, I would pretty much guarntee that what foodnetwork/travil channel get out of seeing stuff like this is the same thing I do, YOU ALL NEED TO LEARN TO USE THE REMOTE!!!!

    note: i would dare some of you to eat some of the cultural dishes I have eaten and not smack ur lips or suck in(or spit even) some of that stuff just…..uggg…..nasty…..once had an ex’s mother INSIST i try these little dried eels she was fond of, cooked them in all sorts of ways, tasted like rancid fish+mud, it was horrible, ofcorse most of the family thought the look on my face was “priceless” and the fact i tried to not spit it out in front of her was also considered very funny, because even her own kids wouldnt eat that stuff…..(not that they told me this before hand)

    I have also had what amounts to fish Jello, fried fish roe patties(yuck), stuff made from all sorts of innards(every time i think of chitlins or tripe I throw up a little in my mouth)

    Most of the time they pushed me into trying this stuff it turned out to be sort of a gag on the american, stuff they knew we wouldnt like/be able to keep down, they expected weird reactions, BUT the thing is, where people like yourself woudl get offended at how they act (manners), I just rolled with it, probably why those families still like me despite my nolonger being with their daughters.

    I would hate to see Kofi or Clayton or most of the others here in some of the situations I have been in, they would likely have started swinging on people and cursing them out…(i have seen that to…)

    please, if you cant take it, just dont watch the show, by watching your upping the ratings and by doing that, your encouraging them to make more episodes, if AZ offends you that much REFUSE TO WATCH THE SHOW, hell refuse to watch the channel, 2 great things will come from this, 1. you wont be annoied/angered/nauseated by the show and 2. you wont feel the need to go on a crusade against a tv show because u dont like the host.

    if you want to go on a crusade, my recommendation would be to look at the riaa/mpaa and monsanto, if you cant find something in those 3 and the US govt(and other govts around the world) to hate and put your energy into changing, well then your not looking very close.

  285. Agreed. Lip smacking is one of my only pet peeves and Zimmern does it ALL THE TIME. Makes me want to tear my eyeballs out.

  286. Dave, then DONT WATCH THE SHOW, or if you must watch, mute it and use the captions mode, that way you dont have to hear it.

    also dont leave the US and travil around the world, many places its considered normal to “lip smack”, unlike here in the states where its considered rude and horribly offensive by so many people.

  287. Wait a second…YOU suck, and Andrew rules. Okay?!

    He’s pudgy, he’s bald, he smacks his lips…how old are you man? Andrew is so funny, we love his humor. If you had the guts to be the front man in Bizzarre foods, would you reach the sixth season? I don’t think so, you would be as boring as on this “blog”

  288. Andrew Zimmerman is a racist pig. At least Anthony Bourdain never fails to be respectful and appreciative toward his hosts. I don’t understand how anyone can watch Andrew Zimmerman’s bull unless they were racist themselves. “oh lets look at these “weird” people and what kind of crazy shit they eat, oh wow thats so BIZARRE ha-ha-ha”

    its their culture you dumbshits.

  289. I completely agree with the OP. I find him extremely offensive and I HATE the way he eats! He just sticks out his tongue and shoves big pieces of exotic foods in his mouth! I watched the episode where he ate the durian, and he tried to stick a huge palm sized piece in his mouth and straight up spit it out on the ground. He should have just taken a small piece and tried it, there’s too much flavor in that fruit to shove the whole piece in a newbie’s mouth(no sexual innuendo intended). I also agree with the annoying smacking noise he makes every time he eats. Is it really that hard to close your mouth while you eat?! I’m vietnamese and I’m always hearing my family eat and slurp their food, but the only person who annoys me when he eats is Zimmerman.
    Anthony Bourdain for the win!!

  290. If you’re going to be an elitist snob and insult Andrew ZIMMERN (not Zimmerman), at least take the time to correctly spell the name of your target. It’s ironic that many of you aren’t doing this.

    Oh, and obviously enough people enjoy BOTH shows, because last time I checked, neither of them is going anywhere.

  291. Vicky, I’d like to see YOU eat a durian and not make a face. What a snob.

    Mike, apparently, your trolling worked. Look at all these replies. Generates a lot of traffic for sure. Listen, don’t be a snob. Don’t like the show? Use a dog gone remote and change the channel! :) Lighten up.

  292. K, funny, I have found Bordain at times to be more “racist” then zimmern, with zimmern you know what to expect, hes an oddball and always acts the same way around people.

    with bordain if you watch some of the episodes hes quite…..snobbish and in fact can be more then a bit rude, BUT if you knew any professional chefs this wouldnt surprise you at all, any of them who have really done the job for years on end endup being like that, hence it dosnt really bother me unless Im watching with somebody who notices.

    the episode where they went to Scandinavia is a good example, Not that I blame him, but Honestly he could have been a bit less….rude about how much fun he wasnt having…(at least in part it was his own fault…)

    I like both shows, but, again, As I have stated before, I have thick skin and have worked with and been friends with so many different types of people that I dont react to that shit anymore.

    my feeling here is people need to grow thicker skin and learn to accept others as they are rather then constantly bitching about how somebody smacks their lips or makes faces, Sure you could say that I should accept the people in this thread who shower hate on AZ, but hey, I have the right to state my opinion as do you, and my opinion is that most of you are as bad or worse then AZ or AB on their worst days, the dif being that both AZ and AB dont go out of their way and intentionally insult or attack others, and you people do, they neither of them go out of their way to judge and ridicule others, yet you feel you need to do such to them….whos the real assholes, you or them?

  293. I just find it interesting that from 2007-2011 people still debate about zimmern and bourdain.

    I love Zimmern and his show simply because he’s real, and we all do those “rude” things sometimes like lip smacking in front of our friends and family.

    I understand that he is a public figure hence he should act properly and should be liked by all.

    But I guess that’s who he really is; just give him a break.

  294. I just want to make clear.

    People do not dislike his lips macking and chewing with his mouth open because it’s “rude.” He can go be rude all day as far as I’m concerned.

    A certain percentage of people simply cannot stand that noise and the site of saliva-mixed food on someone’s tongue.

    Incessant saliva sound, to certain people’s ears, is unbearably annoying.

    I’m a laid-back artist, musician, my husband a tattooed builder. Neither of us are neurotic, but we both angrily change the channel when we hear chewing noises.

    We are not alone either. Many people feel the same way as we do. AZ’s producers could cut those noises. Maybe they do now. I haven’t watched in years.

  295. rairyface5: thing is, your and your husbands reactions are not instinctual, they are learned reactions from childhood, constant “dont smack your lips” and “dont chew with your mouth open” among many other little “dont be rude” neuances of “polite” western societies tend to cause alot of issues for people dealing with other cultures.

    now the one thing I find nasty is people who pick their nose at the table….(mention this because it happened today…) the nasty shit looked at it then wiped it on his napkin…..

  296. As logical as that sounds, I was actually the one who forced my parents to stop chewing with their mouth open, growing up in rural PA, eating off of TV trays. You get the picture.

    Seriously, it’s grating to the ears for some of us. Ask around randomly if you don’t believe me. thanks!

  297. It’ll be a sad day when AZ’s show is canceled because of a little lip smacking from time to time. I just love him to pieces. He’s very real & seems to be someone I’d like to hang out with. He reminds me of Curly of the 3 Stooges. By the way, there are some cultures where a good lod burp is expected so the host knows his food has been appreciated. I hope there will be many more episodes of AZ’s & AB’s shows. I watch both for entirely diffrent reasons.

  298. Having enjoyed another reliably informative and entertaining episode of No Reservations, I remained tuned in for the inevitable rerun of Bizarre Foods. Tolerable enough were his predictably pithy narratives and humorless tongue in cheek explanation of its delicacy status before consuming (for the 10 thousandth time) tongue and cheek. But like you I soon found myself screaming at television and tearing at my ears, begging for some astute producer or merciful sound engineer to put an end to the grotesque, slovenly acoustics of gluttony. Seriously, either enroll this slob in etiquette courses or get rid of him.

  299. I honestly, had no idea how much press this blog would get when I first stumbled on to it. But it shows just how passionate people are about what they watch. I began watching this show because I loved Anthony’s show and wanted to see if there was a contrast. What I love about Anthony B is that he is actually quite respectful of the cultures he visits, and if she has something to say – or if he addresses something that bothers him, he at least waits until he is editing to voice it – and even then it’s not a statement made that could be considered mean to the culture that was nice enough to allow him to visit.

    One great concern I have had about Andrew Z (outside of the smacking) was that he was sometimes so rude to the people who invited him into their homes. I think once she noted that someone’s food was like something he would only feed his dogs. Now the place he was at was poor – not I have 4 cans of food in my cabinet and one of them is beans and the other is some type of canned meat kind f poor. I mean that, if I don’t catch this odd fish and add some grass I found to it and feed it to my village, we will all die of starvation kind of poor. And he was making faces and acting like he would puke, and these people gave him the best of all they had. That is the thing that bothers me about watching his show. I have not ever seen Anthony B treat a family like that – even when he was stone cold drunk.

    I am proud of Andrew for his weight loss, for his time spent working to raise awareness for the homeless, and for his continued efforts to remind people and kids to eat right. i would like to hope that his comments were meant to show his honesty, but what they reflected was a lack of compassion.

    I have not been able to make it through an entire hour. So, I think the initial post is a powerful message…changes should be made.

  300. I guess AZ is sort of like mushrooms. You either love him or hate him. No in between. Apropos analogy? For the record, I’m a fan.

  301. I’m a huge fan of both Andrew and anthony. I can see the similarities in the shows but what shows aren’t somewhat similar nowadays?? There is no reason to put he man down on his hosting skills. He is who he is and worked hard to get there. If you have that much of an issue with it then just don’t watch it. But I do find an enjoyment in both shows. There is no need for anytype of replacement.

  302. Wow. A. Zimmern appears to have gained about 80 pounds around the waist and thighs. Maybe cut down to ten plates per episode???

  303. WOW, this thread is 4 yrs and 6 month already. Go Andrew!! Your lip-smacking doesn’t affect us that much. You’ve got a great show and that is what matters.

  304. Last time I checked, the FCC doesn’t use clothes pins on your eyelids and force feed Andrew Zimmern to the general public. I know that I frequently change the channel when I come across a show I don’t like, not bitch endlessly about what an ass the host is. Apparently in all this talk about being rude and having poor manners, people have forgotten about ‘If you can’t say something nice, don’t say it at all’ or ‘let’s agree to disagree’.

  305. I think you’ve missed the point of this forum: if you don’t have something destructive to say then please just go away.

  306. FINALLY, someone who shares my sentiments. Don’t forget his forced over-exaggerated “twin kiss” on the cheeks

    Don’t get me wrong, I love this show – it’s brilliant, but this man has got to be the most annoying (voice,persona,presentation) travel show host I have ever seen. Over-explanation, gluttonous behaviour and every time a foreign chef/person teases him, he counters with a defensive forced “kiss” on the cheek (reference: Greece episode, Venice episode). In fact, an older gentleman in Greece even pushes and shoves him away – probably due to his annoying nature and plunging his hand and grabbing a piece from the cooked lamb to eat in question in that episode before anyone else and before it was brought to the preparation area (Andrew wipes this off with an embarrassed playful laugh and said that it was all in good fun and love – I think not)

  307. is it me or has walrus gained back all of that weight he lost? then again, what can expect from someone who says “this is fantastic” before he even tastes what he’s going to eat. oh how i wish just once, when he eats something and he does that head shake eye roll lip smacking combo thing that someone would just reach over and slap him upside the head. food just can’t possibly be that good for him to do all mess.

  308. Some of you could benefit from hobbies and lives. Keeping a five-year-old thread alive just to put somebody down.

    Let me guess, you were the losers who made life hell for the fat kid in middle school, right?

    Sometimes I truly hate my fellow “progressives”.

  309. The producers should be aware, the hatred of lip smacking is a REAL thing: “Misophonia” Look it up.

    I was amazed to find a term for what I’ve had all my life. I think a lot of people have this.

    Does anyone else hate the KIT-CAT commercial? I flip out and have to change the channel!

    1. My girlfriend thinks im crazy but I need to change the channel to I cant take the sound. What about the new duracell commercial with the kid eating chips on a plane????

  310. “Merci, Merci”. He is so rude. He wants to be Anthony Bourdain – who we all love! Andrew eats what we would all eat! Ya its gross – but we can stomach it! Bourdain has eaten alot worse. Andy your show is cool because it shows us where the good stuff is. But please dont pride yourself on being a “Stomachus Maximus”. Omg! Im sure Ive eaten ALOT worse!!!

  311. I actually like this show a lot and I think Andrew does a fine job of being a host.

    but I guess Haters gonna Hate

  312. I find it completely nauseating listening to him smack and gulp…not to mention the fact that EVERYTHING he eats is just SO delicious! Really dude?! You mean to tell me those goat testicles were DELICIOUS?! He over does every comment he makes and it is beyond annoying…
    Thank you for posting – now I know I’m not alone

  313. I couldn’t agree with you more! He’s loud, obnoxious, and culturally insensitive. Did anyone see the Fez, Morocco episode? TRAIN WRECK! He’s a complete dumbass yet consistently wants to assert facts and info throughout the show. He really works my nerves.

  314. I am a serious foodie….but I cannot stand anyone who chews w/their mouth open…..get some manners. I usually end up changing the channel….but I try like hell to watch because I love the concept of the show.

  315. Mike I love the show but the way he chews and smacks drives me up one side of the wall and down the other. Im from Fall River MA about 12 minutes from Providence, maybe its the way were raised around here? My mother would have backhanded me across the mouth if I ate like that and now as an adult I understand why. Great show, but someone needs to teach this fool some manners!!!

  316. Also I wish he would make up his mind about where he is from. Look u arent from both New York City and Minnesota figure it out pick one and stick with it!!!

  317. Why doesn’t Andrew just cut to the chase and eat his poo on television? We all know that’s where this is going.

  318. I really do not like his chewing. I do not know how his wife and kid deal with those horrible manners. I hate how rude he is. In a show he said “You should put that top back on, there’s kids in this market!” He said that about some pigion eggs. =(
    That is so mean! He also makes stereotypes alot on his show. He thinks he knows everything about the country, which probably is offensive to the citizens. He is very dicusting when he eats… slurp! Chomp CHOMP!

  319. is there anything this fat fuck doesn’t like? i’m sick of him ooing and ahhing and clutching his pearls in delight as he eats some god awful slop that a dog wouldn’t eat! i’m sick of his pandering and his trying to be Mr Trendy and excepting of the crap some of these backwards people around the world think is food

  320. You guys are crazy, I love Zimmern. He is one of my favorite TV personalities and just cracks me up

  321. Just saying….in a lot of other cultures, enjoying your food audibly is considered one of the greatest compliments you can give the chef. Often, to not do so would indicate you don’t like the food and would be an insult. Also, why not? Enjoy you food heartily, there’s nothing disgusting or embarrassing about that almost anywhere in the world. It may bother you, but given that he is traveling to so many places and trying to immerse himself in the culture as well as compliment his hosts for good food, I would imagine it would be completely natural to him and to do otherwise would be much worse than to risk grossing out a few people who are a bit more uptight about how SOMEONE ELSE should eat.

  322. Zimmern is an attention whore who will shamelessly put anything up his face to get attention and then babble on and on about the “fatty, crispy, greasy, blah blah blah” that almost sounds like a description of himself.

    And Mike is right, the lip-smacking is yet another disgusting attribute of his morlock-ish proclivity to suck up any living creature “because he can.” That overstuffed, fat beast cluelessly sucks up anything that moves while ignoring the suffering these animals endured, the mishandling, the threat of extermination, in short, everything so that he can push the food-channel propaganda mantra that “food” is an “experience.” Tell that to all the species humans are exterminating so we can collective stuff them up our faces, with this self-centered cretin at the head of the line, making lots of Jews cringe because he evidently can’t apply the suffering of others to his own experiences to compel him to make different choices.

    Oh, and Bourdain is a narcissistic drunk who fancies himself a commentator. Get back into the kitchen and stop telling vegetarians WE have the problem. You wouldn’t know good food no matter who made it for you, Bourdain.

    They BOTH need to get sacked in my opinion!

  323. I could care less about his lip smacking, I can even get past his obvious and blatant grandstanding. I can’t, however, excuse his glaring ignorance of food, especially since he’s supposed to be a culinary presenter.

    I saw his trip to Trinidad, where the “bizarre” food he consumed consisted of iguana, pickled pig feet, conch, kingfish, and various curried dishes.

    Only the iguana and pig feet could even remotely be considered bizarre. Beyond that (the fact that most of the food he eats is common fare) he was so ignorant of what he was eating I wondered if he even bothers to read the research material his staffers give him.

    He called a blend of shadowbenny (cilantro like), garlic, green onions, and scotch bonnet peppers “homemade curry sauce”, and this was a pickled pig feet dish.

    He then went on to blast the dish as disgusting because cartilage is disgusting…uh huh, it’s just a major part of the diet across the world. This from a supposed aficionado of unusual food.

    Next up was conch, it’s basically shellfish, ever had a scallop? Very similar. Zimmern, however, decided to espouse the utter and complete alieness of this food source. Spending the entire segment talking about how unusual it was and how strange it would be to eat it; as if mankind had never eaten anything from the seas before.

    At that point my brain turned off and I focused back on my work, only to perk up at his horrendous pronunciation of Trini as tree-knee with emphasis on the “ee” sounds. Everyone clearly enunciated Trin-e, but he seemed oblivious.

  324. It’s is the smacking, for me too its the airy throaty; (comph; comff, cumph; uhhh; cumph, ugh) noises he makes while masticating. It’s repulsive

  325. Just was watching Bizarre Foods and found this thread wondering if I was the only 1 who wanted smack his lips off. The lip smacking is just ridiculous, you can hear everything when he chews now I no im not the only 1 with this ocd…please replace the host the show is interesting

  326. Has anyone noticed Walrus doesn’t have a neck? He looks like a walking thumb that eats too much. Enough lip smacking and hit the gym already. Come on.

  327. You have very, very poor judgement. You are also making a terrible comparison. These are two completely different shows. Go find another channel.

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